Pentagon - Army Navy Dr. (12 miles)
See larger version of course map.
(miles shown are approximate)
0.0 - From Iwo Jima, go towards Memorial Bridge as if heading to Mt. Vernon Trail.
1.0 - After traffic circle, go to right of bridge and then instead of bearing left on trail to go to Mt. Vernon Trail, STAY STRAIGHT on trail on left side of Rt. 27 towards Pentagon.
2.0 - Follow this path/sidewalk along Rt. 27 past the Pentagon.
2.5 - Just after passing the Pentagon, BEAR LEFT through South Parking Lot
and go through long pedestrian tunnel which goes under 395. Quickly turn RIGHT
on Army Navy Dr. and head up hill.
4.5 - Army-Navy Dr. becomes Adams Dr. briefly before ending on Glebe Rd. Carefully cross Glebe Rd. and go LEFT on Four Mile Run Trail.
6.0 - Four Mile Run Trail ends at Mt. Vernon Trail. Return on Mt. Vernon Trail (picture at right) past National Airport towards Washington.
11.0 - Mt. Vernon Trail ends at Roosevelt Island. Go up the ramp at the end of the parking lot over the GW Parkway, into Rosslyn and go towards Iwo Jima.
12.0 - Arrive back at Iwo Jima. Drink Gatorade if thirsty.