Conflict of Interest Policy

Printable version and disclosure statement (PDF)

DC Road Runners Club Conflict of Interest Policy

Adopted 07/2013


The officers, board members, race directors, training program heads, coaches, and employees of the DC Road Runners Club (DCRRC) owe a duty of loyalty to DCRRC, which requires that in serving DCRRC they place the interests of DCRRC before their personal interests or the interests of others. Officers, board members, race directors, training program heads, coaches, and employees must have primary allegiance to DCRRC’s mission and may not use their positions, information they have about DCRRC, or DCRRC’s physical or intellectual property, in a manner that allows them to secure a benefit for themselves or their relatives, associates, business partners, or employers, when such benefit is to the detriment of DCRRC.

Business Transactions

Business transactions of DCRRC in which an officer, board member, race director, training program head, coach, or employee has an interest shall not be prohibited, but they shall be subject to close scrutiny. Such proposed transactions shall be reviewed carefully to determine that they are in the best interests of DCRRC and that they will not lead to conflict of interest. For the purposes of this policy, an officer, board member, race director, training program head, coach, or employee has an interest in a proposed transaction if he/she has a substantial financial interest in it, or has a substantial financial interest in any organization involved in the proposed transaction, or holds a position as trustee, director, general manager, principal officer, or employee in any such organization. Prior to the start of any negotiations, or consideration of a grant request by DCRRC, officers, board members, race directors, training program heads, coaches, and employees are expected to make full disclosure to the best of their knowledge of any dual interest in a proposed transaction by submitting a report to the President or other officer designated by the Board to handle such matters, supplying any reasons why the transaction might not be in the best interest of DCRRC. In matters requiring prior approval of the Board of Directors, the President or other board member shall forward copies of this disclosure report to the Board before its approval.

An officer, board member, race director, training program head, coach, or employee with a dual interest in a proposed transaction shall not vote on the matter and, depending upon the circumstances, may be excluded from any discussion of the matter.

Inside Information

An officer, board member, race director, training program head, coach, or employee shall not use inside information of DCRRC or his/her position as officer, board member, race director, training program head, coach, or employee to the detriment of DCRRC. Inside information is information obtained through the officer's, board member's, race director's, training program head's, coach's, or employee's position that has not become public information.

Disclosure Statements

Each officer, board member, race director, training program head, coach, or employee has a duty to place the interests of DCRRC foremost in any dealings involving DCRRC and has a continuing responsibility to comply with the requirements of this Policy. On an annual basis, each officer and board member is required to complete a Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure Statement.
Completed statements shall be returned to the President.  The President is responsible for

  1. assuring that all required statements are completed,
  2. reviewing all statements for any concerns, and
  3. forwarding all completed statements and concerns, as well as her/his own completed statement to the Executive Committee or, if applicable, an audit committee for their review.
  4. The President shall be responsible to retain copies of all statements for at least three years, or as otherwise set forth by any record retention policies.

Promotion and Recommendations

Race directors, training program heads, and coaches shall promote or recommend to event or program participants only goods, services, vendors, service providers, organizations, and practices that they know or reasonably believe to be effective and aligned with the mission of DCRRC. If a race director, training program head, or coach has a personal or business relationship with a vendor, service provider, or organization, he/she shall disclose the relationship in writing to the President prior to promoting or recommending the vendor, service provider or organization.


Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.