May 2012 Board Meeting Minutes


DC Road Runners May Board Meeting

Monday, May 7th, 2012


Brian Danza, President

Ben Richter, VP of Races

Lauren Bullis, Treasurer

Stephanie Mitchell, Secretary

Paula Arevalo, Director-DC

Dylan Barlett, Webmaster

Kristi Martin, Director-MD

Lindsay Paola, At-Large

Mary Doman, Membership Director

Additional Attendees:

Bob Platt

Meeting called to order by Brian at 7pm.

Status Updates


-Spring 10 K is wrapping up

-Fall marathon starts June 2nd, Katie will be running this out of GRC

-There will be a separate half and 10 mile training program this summer since the race dates are further apart. The half marathon training will begin at the end of June and the ATM training will begin in mid-July.

-The fall 10K program begins training in August.

-There is a possibility for CPR training to be held in June for Board Members and coaches. Katie will be looking into AHA for classes.

-Coaches clinics will be held over the summer.


A balance of $160k is held in the various Club accounts.  However money is still owned to the Del Ray Business Association from the Turkey Trot. There is a net balance of $130k.


-Brian is waiting to hear from the head park ranger as to how to move forward with having SLR’s start out of Iwo Jima. There may be a permit that DCRR needs to obtain to host runs that could cost approximately $50/quarter. Brian will report back once he has heard from the head park ranger.


-A DCRR Club Happy Hour will be held on May 24th at Hard Times Chili. There are 572 individual memberships and 113 family memberships. There were 10 family memberships in April.


Snowball Series

Bunion Derby

Contract Race List

-MBT: This race had 360 registered runners which was 100 more than the previous year.

-Pi Miler: Held on March 24th had 30 more racers than last year.

-Kettle Classic: There were 200 runners at this race and there was a relationship built with Salvation Army.

-Spirit of Reston-This race had 100 participants.

-Island Creek: This race was held in Springfield for the first time.

-Georgetown Prep: There were 130 participants at this race.

-St Anselms: There were 160 participants at this race.

-Kelly Cares

-Evolution Fitness:

-HB Woodlawn

-Vienna Elementary: There were 700 runners for this event and this was 180 more than last year.

Race Teams

-The race team in Boston did well.


-If race directors need volunteers, please let Audry know by the 11th of the month so that she can add this to the monthly newsletter that goes out on the 15th.

-The fall will be a busy time, we will need lots of volunteers.

-To date, there are 960 volunteers in the DCRR database.

New Business

-The Annual Picnic is bring held on Saturday, August 11th at the Landon School.

-Storage: Brian moved to approve that the DCRR storage unit increase in size and cost. The new cost is $150/month.  Dylan seconded the motion. All those who attended approved the motion. The storage unit will hold the new chronotrack equipment and will have shelves to allow for more organization.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.


Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.