July 2012 Board Meeting Minutes


DC Road Runners July Board Meeting

Monday, July 10th, 2012


Brian Danza, President

Lauren Bullis, Treasurer

Stephanie Mitchell, Secretary

Katie Madison, VP of Training

Dylan Barlett, Webmaster

Kristi Martin, Director-MD, SMR Lead

Elizabeth Humphrey, At Large

Erik Price, SLR Leader

Additional Attendees:

Ed Grant, Counsel


Meeting called to order by Brian at 7pm.

Brian moved to approve May’s meeting minutes.  All approved.


Status Updates


-Robin Owen said no to permit for SLR’s. There are to be no running events within core region of National Mall. Brian stated 3 options as to how to proceed: 1) DCRR meets with Park Service to get rules line by line for NPS land, 2) Decide whether or not we pay $50/week ($600/year) and obtain permits for places to run from in DC, 3)Build a strategy with other running groups in the area as to how all groups can run on the paths and gather without penalty and/or trouble.

-A suggestion was made to contact congressmen for help with getting permission to run on park land.


Website Move

-Brian has stated to revamp the website.



-The Running and Reading kicked off and has a great group.

-Fall Marathon program is going well.

-Half M and ATM trainings have 50 people and the program is going well.

-CPR for coaches is still being pursued.



A balance of $115k is held in the various Club accounts.  The Turkey Trot has been paid.



-Everything is on target for August 11th picnic.

-A list of non-members that register for DCRR races as members was provided. The list of people will be contacted. For future events, runners will be fined if they register as a member and are a non-member.



-Bunion Derby is on track.

-Women’s Distance Festival and Run After the Women 5K races (RD: Alex Albertini) were big successes, 75 and 74 finishers respectively.  We got kudos from the WDF folks at the Maryland RRCA.  (Our WDF race is the third race in their 11–race Festival.)

-Hugh Jascourt 4-Miler (RDs: Pat Brown and Susan Hage) was postponed due to extreme heat the evening of June 21. James Scarborough requested from National Park Service a permit to run it on July 17th, but he has not heard back from them. If we don’t hear back within a couple of days, we’ll have to consider options for re-scheduling for the first half of September or canceling it outright.

- Age Handicapped Four-Miler was also a success, with 90 finishers, marking Lauren Bullis’ debut as Race Director. Thank you, Lauren!

- Bastille Day 4-Miler (RD: Brian Danza) will be our next Club race this coming Saturday evening, July 14th. 61 runners have pre-registered as of this morning.

-Plans for the 3+Mile Cross Country Race and Club Picnic (RD: Rob and Judy Wolfe), Bluemont 5K (RD: Lisa Schaefer), Steve Thompson 8K (RD: Ian Clements), and Burke Lake 4.5-Miler (RD: Mary Ellen Seale) are all on track.

-We received a proposal to conduct a 5K Cross Country race on the grounds of The Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland from its cross-country coach, Mike Stubbs.  This had the potential to be ninth Bunion Derby race and would have been entirely on school grounds … no permitting requirements!  We tentatively agreed on a morning race on one of the last two weekends in July (21, 22, 28 or 29th), but Mr. Stubbs has not replied to Ben’s last two emails, so the future of this race is in question.

- 1-Mile and 3K Track Championship is set for the Washington-Lee track for Wednesday, July 25th. Brian has invited some great talent to join us that evening. Arlington County will not give us an exclusive-use permit for the track … they say it’s a community resource, open to all … but Brian has contacted Pacers and Potomac River Runners and invited them to join the meet as a way of de-conflicting with the other two major users.

-Ben has received permits from the City of Greenbelt and the USDA Agriculture Center for the Larry Noel 15K and 3K (September 2nd). Ben still needs to obtain a permit from Prince Georges County to use Beaver Dam Road as part of the race course. PG County may impose some additional requirements, but they have been helpful to me, rather than obstructionist. Sharone Cheskis has agreed to direct the 3K Fun Run again this year, and Gillian Rowan will help me with the 15K.

-While applying for the Greenbelt Youth Center to support the Larry Noel race, Ben also submitted a request to use it on Sunday, February 17th, 2013 to support the George Washington Birthday Marathon and Relay.

-Per Brian’s recommendation, Ben submitted a permit application to the National Park Service to conduct the National Capital 20-Miler and 5-Miler on the C&O Canal Towpath on Sunday morning, September 23rd.  The proposed start is at Carderock, at the 11-mile marker, with the 20-Miler turnaround at the 1-mile marker (at Key Bridge in Georgetown) and the 5-Miler turnaround at the 8.5-mile point.  Ben has  not yet heard back from NPS.

-Delabian Thurston is negotiating with Glen Echo Park for a date to support the Bread Run 10K. It’s not clear whether she’ll be able to get the park for Sunday, December 2nd, but we can tweak the 2012-13 Snowball Series schedule to support whatever date the park gives us.



-If race directors need volunteers, please let Audry know by the 11th of the month so that she can add this to the monthly newsletter that goes out on the 15th.


New Business/Additional Comments

-There will be a DCRR Tent for Army Ten Miler.

-Marine Corp Marathon: DCRR Will be sharing marathon training tips with Hope for Warriors.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.


Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.