September Meeting Minutes


DC Road Runners September Board Meeting

Monday, September 10th, 2012


Brian Danza, President

Lauren Bullis, Treasurer

Stephanie Mitchell, Secretary

Katie Madison, VP of Training

Dylan Barlett, Webmaster

Kristi Martin, Director-MD, SMR Lead

Elizabeth Humphrey, At Large

Mary Domain, Membership

Michael Collins, Membership

Paula Arevalo, DC

Lindsey Paola, At Large

Additional Attendees:

Ed Grant, Counsel

Meeting called to order by Brian at 7pm.

Brian moved to approve July’s meeting minutes.  All approved.

Status Updates


The official new meeting area for SLR is across the street from Iwo Jima.


-The Running and Reading group has been super.

-Fall Marathon program is going well. Need ideas for routes. There have been some complaints about a few routes.

-Half M and ATM training programs are going well.



Club monies are in good shape. Presently, bills are being paid and debit card reconciliation being done.  Revenue is 70-100% higher than last year.



July and August happy hours were great. Next happy hour on 9/27.                                                               Numbers: 674 total members, 115 household memberships, 35 new members since August 1st.                                    


-All Bunion Derby races are complete. We had to delay the Hugh 4-Miler twice due to excessive heat; the other races took place on the scheduled dates.  Preliminary series results are posted on web site.

-Thank you and congratulations to BD race directors: Alex Albertini (WDF/RATW), Pat Brown (Hugh Jascourt 4-miler), Lauren Bullis (Age Handicapped 4-miler), Brian Danza (Bastille Day 4-miler), Lisa Schaefer (Bluemont 5K), Rob and Judy Wolfe (3+mile Cross Country/Club Picnic), Ian Clements (Steve Thompson 8K), Mary Ellen Seale (Paul Thurston/Burke Lake 4.5+miler),

-New Steve Thompson 8K course at Lake Accotink was a big success. Thanks to George Getek for facilitating permitting process. Ian Clements and I are happy enough with the course to get it certified.

- Larry Noel race was a success, very muggy that evening, fewer runners than hoped for.  80 15K finishers, 37 3K finishers.  We had 26 volunteers (plus the Laurel Amateur Radio Club for emergency communications) to put on these two races. I have about 15-20 leftover tech shirts … I will give them to Mary Doman for giveaways at future Happy Hours. Edoardo Rincon from Georgetown Running Company contributed $270 worth of gift certificates for the top finishers.

-Planning is in progress for National Capital 20- and 5-milers.  25 people have signed up as of this morning, so I’m thinking maybe 100 entrants will sign up by race day.  Brian expressed the opinion that there will be more.  I am working with NPS ranger Leigh Zahm for permitting. Brian and I will need some help with this race. In addition to support at the start/finish line, there will be four aid stations at roughly the 2.5/17.5, 5.0/15.0, 7.5/12.5 and 10-mile points. Leigh Zahm suggested putting them at Lock 8, Lock 6, Fletcher’s Boathouse and Key Bridge. Leigh also asked about our plans for porta-potties; I told him that given the expected race size of about 100, we’ll just plan to use the facilities at Fletcher’s; if the race field grows considerably, we will bring in additional toilets. He was okay with that. The permit will receive its final review and approval later this week.

-We need to get going on planning the GW Birthday Marathon and relay, starting with web site redesign. Brian indicated we already own the domain name and it is currently set to redirect to Will we have the same “planning committee” as last year (i.e., Danza, Richter, Grant, Humphrey, Perlow)? We should plan to meet separately in another week or two.  I will send out an email to begin organizing this.

-All remaining 2012 club races (20-miler, Bread Run, Gar Williams Half Marathon) are posted to RRCA calendar (which activates insurance coverage) and have online registration enabled.

-2012-13 Snowball Series races: Aaron Cheskis has said he will no longer direct the Al Lewis 10-Miler. I am looking for a replacement … are there any nominations? Not sure whether Matt Pyle will direct the Fort Hunt 10K. Still need to check with other RDs (Daryl Knuth, James Scarborough, George Getek) but expect they’ll say yes. 


-If race directors need volunteers, please let Audry know by the 11th of the month so that she can add this to the monthly newsletter that goes out on the 15th.


New Business/Additional Comments

-There will be a DCRR Tent for Army Ten Miler.

-Marine Corp Marathon: DCRR Will be sharing marathon training tips with Hope for Warriors.

- GW Marathon needs to start planning. (Meeting was held late September).

-Canal Steward Program- was tabled at this meeting. (Follow Up: Over emails, it was decided that DCRR was not in a place to participate in this program.)


-Cherry Blossom Proposal- Waiting to hear if DCRR gets selected for interview.


Update on non-member and member price.

-Training programs will have one price.

-New members receive a one-year membership.

-Current members have their individual or family membership extended by one year.

-No one (coaches, volunteers, etc) will receive free membership unless the board explicitly approves it.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.


Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.