May 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2014

Meeting was called to order at 7:12pm by Lauren Bullis, president.


  • Lauren Bullis, president
  • Katie Madison Finazzo, VP for training
  • Bethany Britz, VP for races
  • Ben Richter, VP for operations
  • Scott Smith, treasurer
  • Kristi Martin, secretary
  • Erik Price, director (VA)
  • Rich Mendelowitz, director (VA)
  • Elizabeth Humphrey, director (at-large)
  • Alison Smith, membership director
  • Dylan Barlett, webmaster
  • Sasha Sibert, Monday Night Footmall Run Lead

1. Membership Director

Discussion: Mary Doman Lambkin moved to Nashville and resigned her position as the Club's membership director. The Board discussed replacements for the position. Lauren nominated Alison to be the new membership director. Katie seconded the motion. The motion passed with no opposition.

Action: Alison Smith accepted the position of member director and will take over the responsibilities immediately.

2. RRCA Convention

Discussion: Lauren attended the annual RRCA convention in Spokane, Washington. He said the conference was well attended. Among the topics of interest at the convention were: insurance, social media, apparel marketing, and training programs. Lauren requested a copy of the insurance riders for review. He wanted to ensure that the club had sufficient coverage for our race activities. Dylan suggested also reviewing the riders for coverage of the DCRR van and timing equipment.

Lauren learned that other clubs are leveraging social media to increase club attendance, whereas, our Club uses social media to communicate with current members.

Other clubs are also using high quality apparel. Lauren would like to explore improving our merchandise for members.
Lauren networked with other clubs in the DC metro area. He learned that other clubs, like Prince George's County Road Runners, are training-centric. He received some materials about their training programs, and shared that with Katie. The Board discussed finding ways to coordinate with other clubs in the area.

Action: Lauren will review the insurance policy and make any necessary changes to protect the Club's activities and assets. Lauren will also get samples from Green Layer for possible merchandise.

3. Weekly runs update

Discussion: Lauren provided background and a summary of what was discussed a the strategy session the Board participated in April. From that strategy session, a committee was established to streamline operations and manage the Club's weekly runs. This includes an inventory of the weekly run options, establishing expectations for run leaders, and developing standard operating procedures.

In addition, Sasha joined the meeting to discuss the current status of the Monday Night Footmall Run.

Action: Kristi will set up an inventory of the run options and email the committee to begin work.

4. Contract Races

Discussion: Lauren provided a list of races until the end of the year. Dylan said this was not the entire list, so Scott suggested taking an inventory of all the Club's race commitments (informal and formal) and establishing criteria for committing to race (e.g., having a committed timer). Dylan asked who can sign a contract on behalf of the Club. Scott said only the VP for Operations and President can sign a contract on behalf of the Club.

Action: Lauren, Scott, Dylan, and Bethany will continue this discussion and inventory the races.

5. Races Update
a. Snowball scoring – Dylan suggested reintroducing the clause that allowed the VP for Races to make the final decision on scoring. Alison said the issue with runners not being members for the scoring has been corrected. In addition, Dylan raised a concern that the Club Challenge scoring. Dylan asked to clarify that a runner must run for DCRR for next year to be considered for scoring. Rich will take over series scoring. Ben will finish updating scoring soon and finalize by Friday in time for awards happy hour.

b. General update – Bethany is waiting for confirmation from James and Pat Brown for moving Hugh Jascourt to June 14. She also said a race director is needed for the Bluemont 5K. Scott said that Vienna Turkey Trot has been awarded to another race contractor. Alison said that Brian believes we own the domain, registration list, etc. Lauren will follow up with Brian on next steps.

c. Update on action items from strategy session -- Lauren said that race director requirements and training are a priority.

6. Sponsor/partnerships

Discussion: Rich was approached by Endurance Athlete Center to see if DCRR had interest in being sponsored by Endurance Athlete Center. This would include website listings for cross promotion, free consultations for members, discounted services for members, etc. Endurance Athlete Center would like to come to SLR or the training programs to do a workshop on injury prevention. Katie said Athleta would be interested to publicizing an event to the general public.

Action: Board agreed to follow up on this opportunity. Rich will work out the details.

7. Training Update

Discussion: Katie said the summer training programs will be hosted by Athleta in Georgetown. She also reported that the marathon jumpstart program has been well attended with 15. Katie also provided an update on the work from the strategy session.

Action: Katie said she will be working on a joint session on raining programs in the area for an information sharing meeting.

8. Website & DB update – Alison

Discussion: Alison reported that the Club is In the process of moving to a new website that will feature member only content. Alison was not sure of what the changes will be for administrators, but will be working with them to get the appropriate training after testing is completed. She also said that Andrew Mulrean has been doing a lot of the development. Alison suggested inviting him to Board meeting.

9. Treasurer update – Lauren & Scott

Discussion: Accounts have been moved over in Lauren and Scott's names.

10. Happy Hours – Alison

Discussion: May 29 will be the Snowball Series awards at Four Courts Arlington. Alison is looking into Pinstripes in Georgetown for another happy hour.

11. Volunteer update - Alison

Discussion: Alison requested that all volunteer requests come to her and she create an event for volunteer registration in order to more effectively manage attendance and volunteer needs.

12. Turkey Trot update – Lauren

Discussion: Lauren reported that Brian volunteered to be RD. Lauren said he is going to be more involved this year and mentioned the possibility of doing citywide packet pickup with bib assignment on the spot. Chris Britz and Alison are working on race day registration app to roll out for an upcoming race.

13. Next board meeting location & food responsibility

Discussion: Next meeting with be at Rich's house.

14. New/other business

Conflict of Interest Policy: Dylan provided a copy, modeled after Montgomery County Club's policy with additions to address scope of our activities. Board members were asked to sign it and return to Lauren.

Emails: Dylan will set up DCRR email accounts for Stephanie and Rich.


Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.