Board of Directors Meeting - 6 July 2009

DC Road Runners Club - Board of Directors - Monday, July 6, 2009

Board Attendees:

Peter Lamberton President

Karol Murray VP - Operation

Benjamin Richter VP - Races

Kenny Ames VP - Training Programs

George Getek Treasurer

Kevin D'Amanda Secretary

Sasha Sibert Director - DC

Aaron Cheskis Director - MD

Brian Danza Director - VA

Michael Collins Director - At Large

Elizabeth Humphrey Director - At Large

Kristin Blanchat Volunteer Coordinator

Scott Smith Website

Other Attendees:

Emily Grossman ATM Training Program

Rachel Bonistalli SunTrust Marathon/Half Marathon Training Program

Bob Thurston National Capital 20 Mile/5 Mile Race Direction Team

Delabian Thurston National Capital 20 Mile/5 Mile Race Direction Team

Bob Platt


Mr. Peter Lamberton called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM and made an opening statement stressing the lines of authority. He asks that the Board coordinate with the appropriate Vice President in case of questions pertaining to a particular event or activity. Policies and procedures are in place as well. This is a better use of our limited resources that lengthy email discussions.

The 11 May 2009 meeting minutes were distributed and approved. A draft privacy statement was also distributed and comments should be sent to Peter or Karol to finalize.


Training Programs:

  • Marathon Training Program. Kenny Ames updated the status of the program which is successfully underway. However there have been a few instances where trainees asked for refunds and the Club has tried to accommodate their request by offering entry into a future training program or store credit.
  • Army Ten Miler Training Program. Emily Grossman updated the status of the program.
    • Between 20-30 people participated in the jump start training. It was a success, well received, and supported by ATM and Fleet Feet.
    • 23 coaches are indentified for the training program with most already completing first aid certification and associated training.
    • Currently 130 people have signed up.
    • Plan to use three locations for the runs.
    • Pace teams for the race have been staffed for paces at 7:30 min per mile and up.
  • SunTrust National Marathon/Half Marathon. Rachel Bonistalli has been appointed to be in charge of this training program. Planning is in the early stages with race management. They are projecting approximately 300 participates that dictates the need for about 20 coaches.


  • Peter updated the Board on the status of membership and social events for Katie Madison. A Club happy hour is scheduled for 16 July. Facebook group, opt-in email list, and President?s Blog will be used to announce the event.
  • On line member and renewal is available on the website with the ability to print out your membership card.
  • In the past, one race was designated as New Members Race whereby new members are cognized and compete in a separate award category. This topic was deferred to a future meeting.


  • Balance. George Getek gave a summary of the Club account balances: Checking Account: $481 Small Business Money Market Account: $14,570.40 ING Account: $75,897.77 PayPal Account: $15,166.43
  • PayPal Account.
    • PayPal can generate transaction reports.
    • Transaction fee is averaging 1.75%.
    • Brian, George, and Karol have access to the account.
    • Board recommended that $300 be maintained in the account.
  • Future Expenses. Portable printer estimated at $300.


  • Bastille Day 4 Miler. Race Director Brain Danza is coordinating a revised permit to reflect the actual race site.
  • Steve Thompson 8K. Received permit for Ft Hunt that contains some restrictions including not collecting entry fees at the site. The race director will accommodate non-members who did not pre-register to allow them to race via alternate means.
  • Women's Distance Festival. Ben is evaluating another race to serve as the DCRRC WDF, possibly the Bluemont 5K.
  • Cross Country 3 Miler/Picnic. Rob and Judy Wolfe are coordinating the race/picnic.
  • 20 Miler.
    • The Board recognized Chuck Evans, Bob Thurston, and Delabian Thurston for their years of outstanding service in directing this race. The Board also realizes that better communication is needed between the 2009 race team and the new team formed to direct the 2010 race.
    • A new venue is being sought for the 2010 race due to the limitations with the current course.
    • Mary Ellen Seale will be coordinating with Delabian to observe the race/volunteer management.
    • Dunkin Donuts continues to be a sponsor of the race and water will be provided by another sponsor.

Old Business:

  • Website.
    • Brian Danaza asked that the Board continue to spot check the website and work with him and Scott Smith to make updates. If you find a problem with the site, please be considerate to the webmasters.
    • Google advertisements generate revenue for the Club. The site is getting approximately 16 thousand visitors. The increased traffic on the site has resulted in increased the ad revenue.
  • Timing.
    • There was some confusion at the Age Handicap 4 Miler. It would be helpful if we had poster boards explaining how to place the chip on your shoe and that the chip should be reused at future Club races.
    • Race Management fee structure was set at $300 for the first 100 participates and then $3 per runner thereafter. The split of revenue will be 1/3 to the Club, 1/3 to cover the chip cost, and 1/3 to the timing team.
  •  Van.
    • Estimate is being sought to install shelves in the van.
    • The van is currently in the shop to repair accident damage. The Club?s insurance has a $500 deductable.
    • Peter, Karol, and Ben are developing a policy covering the van?s use.
    • The line of authority pertaining its use is VP for Races and then the President or VP for Operations in his absence.
  • AED. The Club procured an automated external defibrillator (AED) for $1,245; estimated shipping date of 7 July. When it is received, it will be stored in the van and race directors will receive training on the equipment.
  • Volunteer Coordinator. Kristin Blanchat was appointed to the volunteer coordinator position. She will have the overall responsibility for coordinating and recognizing volunteers. Some suggestions included maintaining a list of race volunteers for use by race directors and web-based volunteer sign up.

New Business.

  • Club Phone. The current phone number costs $45 per month and is managed by James Scarborough. The Board approved maintaining a voice mail number, which is less expensive, to receive calls and post messages. Brian Danza will evaluate options.
  • Social Director. The Club is seeking a volunteer to serve as the social director. One possible person is Lindsay Paola.
  • Tidal Basin Run Club. Board approved a $100 donation to this newly formed Club to assist paying their RRCA dues.
  • Race Team.
    • Brian Danza made a proposal to establish an elite race team in partnership with Georgetown Running Company. The team would train top runners to race for DCRRC/Georgetown Running Company. The Club would pay a stipend for a coach and Georgetown Running Company would fund travel and other miscellaneous expenses.
    • Kenny Ames volunteered to assist Brian to work out the details, possible other running store partnership, runner qualifications, etc. and report back to the Board at a future meeting.
  • Adidas Store. The Adidas Store in Tysons Corner offered to host a DCRRC members-only night with discounts and refreshments. Emily Grossman volunteered to assist Brian on the details of such an event.

Lamberton adjourned the meeting at 9 PM. Next meeting: 14 September at 7 PM.


Upcoming Events

DCRRC New Year's Resolutions 5K
Wed, Jan 1st, 2025, @12:00pm
DCRRC Al Lewis 10-Miler and 5-Miler
Sun, Jan 5th, 2025, @8:00am
DCRRC Belle Haven 8K
Sun, Jan 26th, 2025, @7:00am
Book Club
Sun, Mar 16th, 2025, @4:00pm
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.