Tami Graf

Tami Graf

When did you begin running and why?
I wanted to be able to watch my girls when they ran cross-country and I wasn’t able to get from place to place on the course. I got out of breath very easily. This was 1981. I heard about a running program led by two Doctors from UConn who would have a weekly lecture followed by a run. I started running on my own, ten minutes at a time, in order to keep up.

How did you find out about DCRR and when did you join?
It must have been in the mid '90s. Jay Wind asked me to join.

What are you training for right now?
I have been training for the National Senior Games. Since I do not race well in the summer heat I will start training for the CBRC 10 miler in October. It is flat, scenic, not crowded and has a nice picnic afterwards.

What's your favorite club race?
I like several for different reasons. I’m not good on hills so that eliminates a lot of them. Can’t get any flatter than the track races! The course at Bluemont has been good to me. Despite the hill I do like Larry Noel. I like trail running but nowadays am apt to trip. I miss some of the venues of the past.

What's your favorite part about being a DCRR member?
The support I get from fellow runners even when I do not perform as well as I’d like. Naturally I’m grateful for the pay-less races.

What's the most important lesson running has taught you?
Hard work pays off, especially hard, fast training with plenty of time to recover. Know your body and pay attention. Take a day off. If something isn’t right-fix it. I’ve learned that competition is fun even if it is only against oneself. And one has to try one’s best every time in order not to be disappointed (too much.)

What is your favorite route in the area?
Although I don’t run up in the metro area any more my favorite would be the Mt. Vernon trail. Runs in Lusby are pretty boring so I often go to Calvert Cliffs park for shade in the summer and protection from the wind in winter.

What race day traditions do you have?
I like to get to races early to make sure I’m in the right place at the right time, warmed up and ready to go.

What's your proudest running moment?
I trained really hard and ran a 5:45 1500m at age 50 something. I also managed to complete the 2000m steeplechase and 300 m hurdles.

I remember leading a women’s 4 mile race (age 49) until the last half mile (HILL) when a teenager passed me.

What's the farthest and/or fastest you've ever run?
I’ve done 5 marathons including Boston but have no desire to do another. The best time was 3:42 (ish). I’ve also run on a relay across Massachusetts. I’m not sure how far it was but the second year we hit on the idea of running alternate miles. There were six of us (women).

What’s your life like outside of running?
Since I have retired I spend a lot of time working in the yard when the weather is good. I play golf , bike, and swim. I read a lot and enjoy fixing things. I spend a good deal of time travelling to attend grandchildren’s activities. With family (and 295 other "sojourners") I recently cycled the Great Allegheny Passage.


Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.