Kellie Honey

kelliehoneyWhen did you begin running and why?

I ran track in elementary school and junior high, but I think I really started loving it in high school when I ran cross country. I was on a swim team that practiced year round and I loved it, but cross country and track were a nice break from miles of laps in a pool.

How did you find out about DCRRC and when did you join?

I joined last fall when I began a challenge to myself to race in a half marathon every month for a year. In searching for races online I found the DCRRC website. When I saw that membership included FREE races, I was in!!! Then the Snowball Series became a highlight of my winter 2019-20.

What are you training for right now?

Nothing specific right now. I am thinking through some goals for 2021. I want to complete a 50 mile distance. I also want to keep racing Half Marathons and improve my time. (And be better disciplined about strength and cross training :)

What is the toughest run or race you've ever participated in?

Cacapon 12 Hour Challenge in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia this past July. The website said it would be a tough trail, but I didn’t realize just HOW tough. It was insane! It was a 5 mile loop of roots, rocks, steep hills, and some mud. I almost fell multiple times and had to walk a lot to keep from tripping. I managed to do 7 laps, but I was crying off and on for the last lap because it felt like the finish was never coming. But I found that finish and I felt so happy!

What is the most important lesson running has taught you?

There are so many lessons. Everything about life can be reflected in running and everything about running is reflected in life. This year the main thing I’ve focused on this past year is that pain can teach me if I lean into it. So often in life I want to run from pain or pretend it’s not there. However, when I run and I push my body, it hurts. I always welcome that pain because I know it will make me a stronger runner. If running pain can teach and build me, so can life-pain. So I’m letting myself actually feel, process, and grieve some losses and disappointments instead of shying away from that pain. It hurts, but it’s been making me better.

What is your favorite route in the area?

My favorite routes are the ones I haven’t discovered yet. I love when I have hours to be a run-tourist in my own city. I don’t know exactly where or how far I’ll run. I just set out and explore. I usually happen upon a mural or statue I haven’t seen before, see inspirational yard signs and chalk art, or I take a few minutes to enjoy beautiful landmarks I may have seen dozens of times, but still can’t believe I get the chance to run by them whenever I want, like the Lincoln Memorial or Supreme Court.

What race day traditions do you have?

Every morning for the past two years my husband makes lattes in the morning. On race days I just have that latte a little bit earlier and get a good luck hug from my man.

What is your favorite post-race meal?

Cookies!!!! There are these cookies I found at Yes! Organic Market by a local company called Bakefully Yours. They are the best after a hard run.

What is your proudest running moment?

My first marathon this past June. I had been training for the DC Rock n Roll Marathon, but, like everything else, it got canceled. I lost my running mojo for a bit that Spring, but found some motivation again in the summer. I was just doing my daily run through my husband’s gorgeous hometown of Fayetteville, WV. I was unsure of how long I’d stay out. At mile 6, I decided “why not now?” So I called my husband Shawn to tell him that “today was the day.” He drove some drinks to me and checked in to make sure I didn’t fall over those WV hills.


Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.