In elementary school, there was a mile fun run every fall on the local cross country course. I had watched my older siblings run in years prior and was excited I was finally old enough to participate myself! The gun went off and all of three steps later, I face planted. The other participants raced by me while I lay there shocked and stunned. A course official scooped me up and encouraged me to keep going. It took a bit, but step by step I hit my groove. Thus began my decades long love/hate relationship with running. We've had our ups and downs and taken several breaks, but we've always regained our stride. It is the one activity that, no matter what phase of life I'm in, I can always pick it back up and keep going!
How did you find out about DCRRC and when did you join?
After slowly rebuilding my running base throughout the pandemic, I was itching to get back to the track once Spring hit. I convinced my neighbor to go with me to Yorktown HS for some 400s. During our workout, there were two super awesome runners cheering us on! We finished and caught up with them during cool down. They introduced themselves as Coach Big Guy and Coach Jill. The rest, as you already could have guessed, is history. A ladder track workout and Stafford hill repeats later, I was hooked and joined immediately!
What are you training for right now?
2021 Baltimore Marathon, because a hilly course to attempt my first marathon sounded like a really really good idea at the time...
What is the toughest run or race in which you have participated?
Great Lakes Relay - a 10 person relay that started in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and ended near Sleeping Bear Dunes. The race is broken up over three days and each run segment was on country/back trails. The trail markings were....ok...but it was not uncommon for runners to "extend" their routes. The mosquitos were so intense, they actually bit through our clothes! However, the overall camaraderie within my team and among the other teams made for a really unique and rewarding experience. Talk about a neat way to explore a state!
What is the most important lesson running has taught you?
How to be inspired. From Jenny Simpson medaling in the 1500m at Rio and Des Linden winning Boston to cheering on the first mom I saw running up a hill while pushing a double stroller, there are so many runners to draw inspiration from. The running community celebrates your triumphs and literally picks you up when you fall. Even something as simple as a kudos on Strava can get you to your next mile.
What is your favorite route in the area?
Any route that takes me through Bon Air Rose Garden. I alter many many routes to pass through that park, especially when the roses are in bloom. Fortunately I live only a couple miles away, so I can almost always stop and smell the roses!
What is your favorite post-race meal?
Burgers and ice cream
What is your proudest running moment?
Qualifying for the 1500m NCAA Semifinals. I was in the East Region preliminary round and knew I would have to PR for a chance at semis. I ran strong and hung with some very fast ladies as long as I could. My PR secured me the final slot for semifinals! Making it to regionals in and of itself was always one of my collegiate running goals. Qualifying for and running in the semifinal round was the icing on the cake, making for a sweet ending to my college running career.
What is your favorite running book and/or movie?
The Fancy Nancy Audio Collection! Not a running book you say?! Well, all I have to do is strap 1-2 kids in a BOB, give them a snack, press play, and suddenly I am off running, up to 10 miles! Book + running with happy kids = BEST RUNNING BOOK EVER!
What is your life like outside of running?
Outside of running, I'm a horse, a monster, a princess, and a momma bird who frequently gets tackled by her 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son. I also am married to the love of my life and have a day job as an engineer. And yes, the Hokie Pokie IS what it's all about! Go Hokies!!!