Virginia Reynolds

virginiareynoldsWhen did you beginrunningand why?I startedrunningaround 2011. I have always been bad at sports (no hand-eye coordination) sorunninginterested me because it didn't require chasing after a ball and I only had to compete with myself.

How did you find out about DCRRC and when did you join?I found out about DCRRC in 2014 from an old website that advertised local events in DC. I saw a post there about DCRRC's Marathon Jump Start program. I had just moved here and needed a way to meet people. I almost chickened out of showing up for the first run but luckily I forced myself to go and ended up joining the club pretty soon after.

What are you training for right now?I just finished my Fall marathon in October so I'm currently enjoying a break from training.

What is the toughest run or race in which you have participated?The Savannah Rock N Roll Marathon in 2017. It had long stretches on boring treeless highways and was hot as blue blazes.

What is the most important lessonrunninghas taught you?That even the most daunting challenges are achievable if you keep working toward them.

What is your favorite route in the area?Any route that runs on The Mall or the Mount Vernon Trail. I never get tired of looking at the monuments!

What race day traditions do you have?Not much on race day itself, but I usually eat Chick-Fil-A the day before my big races.

What is your favorite post-race meal?If I'm near a Cracker Barrel then I'd go for a chicken and dumplings plate. Otherwise, anything with a lot of carbs.

What is your proudestrunning;moment?Finishing my first marathon in 2014.

What is your favoriterunningbook and/or movie?Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor.

What is your life like outside ofrunning?When I'm notrunningI'm usually chasing after my toddler and looking forward to bedtime.


Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.