Ted Logothetti

tedlogothettiWhen did you begin running and why?

I started running in high school cross-country. Among the guys, I was the slowest by far, usually getting lapped by our star runner. However, I loved being part of a team and the camaraderie. It was fun, which was most important, and one of my favorite memories from high school.
How did you find out about DCRRC and when did you join?
I found out about it through a friend back in 2016. We had both just completed 5-Ks, and we were looking for others which were less expensive. Lo and behold, we learned on the website that by joining DCRRC, we could participate in a whole bunch of races for free! I also started going to the Saturday Long Runs and got hooked.
What are you training for right now?
I just completed the B&A Trail Marathon yesterday, in my backyard, Annapolis. This might be a bit crazy, but I'll try to run the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler next Sunday. Hopefully my legs will be a little less stiff before then! After that, I plan on running the A10, Annapolis 10-Miler. Finally I'm gonna do the Potomac River Run Marathon in the fall.
What is the toughest run or race in which you have participated?
This is an easy one: the 2019 Marine Corps Marathon. It was the only race where I seriously thought about dropping out. It was strange, because I had had a good training season leading up to the race. But for some reason, everything went wrong. The race started with pouring rain. Later on, when the clouds parted, it was humid and warm. Around the halfway point, by Hains Point, just after the Blue Mile, I ran out of energy and started walking. It only got worse. By mile eighteen, my thighs were screaming. I must've shown it, because a Marine asked me if I was okay. (That had never happened before, where a race official inquired about my well-being.) From then on, I walked practically the entire, awful eight remaining miles. At the end, I didn't even try to finish with style: I just walked up that hill. It was my worst time, and worst race, ever.
What is the most important lesson running has taught you?
The most important lesson that running has taught me is that people are beautiful. Just today I received so much encouragement from yesterday's marathon; it really meant something to me.  After races, and almost always during races and runs, people are so good to each other, encouraging or helping.  I think our own coaches selflessly giving of themselves, seemingly doing it for no other reason than to help others.  It's inspiring.
What is your favorite route in the area?
Tough one, but I would say maybe a tie between Upton Hill and the Iron Triangle.  The reason is that they're both challenging; you feel like you've accomplished something when you complete them.
What race day traditions do you have?
A large Dunkin' Donuts coffee, when I can get it.  I love that caffeine kick!
What is your favorite post-race meal? 
Another tough one, but it might be either lunch at Red Lobster or brunch at Killarney's in Davidsonville, halfway between Annapolis and DC.  The soda bread and coffee are divine, and the brunch is just plain good.
What is your proudest running moment?
It might just be this last marathon that I ran yesterday.  I had a PR.  While I didn't hit my four-hour goal, I came pretty darn close. It was tough, since there was this nasty headwind from mile 13-19.  By mile 21, I was cramping. But I stuck with it and finished!
What is your favorite running book and/or movie?
I have a couple of them: 
Eat and Run, by Scott Jurek. I love his recipes, and I really like his stories.
Born To Run, by Christopher McDougall. His story of the race between Scott Jurek, the best ultra-marathoner at the time, and the Tarahumara in the Copper Canyon in Mexico is spellbinding.
The Perfect Mile, by Neal Bascomb.  It details the story of the first sub-4 minute mile.  It's well-written and fascinating.
What is your life like outside of running?
I live in Annapolis with my wife, Irene, and my most extraordinarily vocal cat, Madeline.  I work as an IT Specialist (basically, a programmer) for the Treasury Department.  For fun, I enjoy book clubs, such as our own, with the DC Roadrunners.  I belong to a few others.  I enjoy movies, taking walks, and when I can, visiting family.

Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.