Kristine Gift

kristinegiftWhen did you begin running and why?

I started running in high school because I needed another sport on my schedule to avoid 6 AM gym class. I signed up for cross country with a friend because we figured they can't make you run at practice for 2+ hours every single day (we were right). After a couple seasons of XC, I started running half marathons instead because I thought it was more fun to run one race every few months and get a shirt and a medal at the end than to race every week.

How did you find out about DCRRC and when did you join?

I heard about DCRRC from some of the Oiselle Volee members that came to my Wednesday AM runs, and I officially joined last November so I could participate in the Snowball series.

What are you training for right now?

I am training for the Philly Marathon in November. I'll be trying to nab a marathon PB since my current one was set over seven years ago!

What is the toughest run or race in which you have participated?

One year I did the Fingerlake 50s with the intention to do the 50k, which is two loops. Conditions were terrible! It was nearly 80 at the start at 6 am, 100% humidity, and it was pouring down rain off and on throughout the race. The course was almost entirely gloopy, steal-your-shoes mud, and I bailed after the first loop because I was so miserable after doing so much sliding around.

What is the most important lesson running has taught you?

Running has taught me that it is worth it to persevere... most of the time. I have a good sense of when it's right to call it quits versus keep pushing through, and that applies to lots of situations outside running. I've never regretted a DNF at a race or a DNF at a job, a TV show I don't like, whatever!

What is your favorite route in the area?

My favorite route is Quadruple Bridges (also a Strava segment!). I usually run it from Courthouse by going down to Mt Vernon trail and heading south to 14th St Bridge across to DC, then up Ohio Drive to Arlington Memorial Bridge back to VA, then up Mt Vernon trail to the Roosevelt Bridge to the Kennedy Center and then up Rock Creek trail and the Georgetown waterfront to Key Bridge for the final river crossing. When I run it from home it's 10 miles, but you can start at Teddy Roosevelt Island parking lot and get ~8 in!

What race day traditions do you have?

Honestly, not many. Maybe I should work on that. I religiously make a super meticulous playlist and then tune it out for the whole race. Also I am really superstitious about pre-race bathroom stops, but other than that... I just do the same boring stuff pre-race as I do before long runs, and then do whatever I have energy for to celebrate afterward (aka: food and naps).

What is your favorite post-race meal?

I am not sure anything can beat a burger and fries!

What is your proudest running moment?

In 2015, I made a huge breakthrough in the half marathon at the Princeton Half. I went into the race thinking a 1:48 would be a great day, and I ran 1:43 for a nearly 10 minute PB. It is probably the most relaxed and confident I've ever been at a race, and I've been chasing the high of that surprise(ingly giant) PB ever since.

What is your favorite running book and/or movie?

I love the documentary Spirit of the Marathon. It's so dated now, but it always gets me pumped. I watch it 1-2 times every marathon block.
And my favorite running book is I Hate Running And You Can Too by Brendan Leonard. It has drawings :)

What is your life like outside of running?

Outside of running, I work from home and have a severely codependent relationship with my two cats, Lila and Poppy. There are two things I never shut up about and those two things are running and cats. I'm an avid reader but basically only read epic fantasy (on a Wheel of Time reread right now), rom-coms, and running books. I'm also newly an aunt which is very exciting!

Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.