Thursday Morning Track

Identical to Wednesday night track workouts. This is simply an alternative to those that cannot make Wednesday night or prefer morning running. The workouts each week are designed by Coach Ed who leads the Wednesday night group and can be found on the Wednesday night track workouts.  

Group leaders for this workout are Coach Stephen "Big Guy" Easley and Coach Rich Mendelowitz.  Both are USATF and RRCA certified coaches. Thursday morning Track Workouts are held at the Yorktown High School track. The Address is 5201 N. 28th Street in Arlington, and the track is around the corner from the school on N. Greenbrier in the Football Stadium. The workout starts promptly at 6:00 AM. Most people arrive to do an easy warm-up together starting around 5:40 and then all do an easy one mile cool-down together after the workout.

Sign up here to receive email announcements.

Questions can be emailed to Coach Big Guy or Coach Rich.

We need volunteers for Wednesday night's Bluemont 5K!

Greeting Thursday morning faithful and any other club members reading this.  We really need more volunteers for this coming Wednesday night's Bluemont 5K.  Please consider helping.  Here is the link to the race info:

Here is the direct link to volunteer:

Thank you if you can help


8 to 10 x 200m, 300m, 300m & 200m jogs, 5k to 3k pace

Fellow Endorphin Junkies

Please arrive at Greenbriar Park (Yorktown Track) early, say 5:40, so you can warm up prior to our 6 AM start of TMBC intervals. The weather should be reasonable for July in the morning, with temps in the high 60s/lower-70s, very high humidity, and a little bit of wind. Given the warm and humid conditions, bring plenty of fluids to hydrate! I expect heart rates in the mid-80 percent range, and if it gets higher, slow down!

We have a Special Guest Coach returning, our very own Coach Rich – and he is bringing a fun new workout - he calls it the "Pulse" workout! This is a speed burner workout, with 8 to 10 x 200m and 300m, with 300m jog rests following the 200s, and 200m jog rests following the 300s. We want you to start at 5k pace for the first half, eventually getting down to 3k pace on the second half of the workout. Think of each 200 (sprint), 300 (jog), 300 (sprint), 200 (jog) as a "set," which you will repeat over the workout 8 to 10 times. This is a great NEW workout that should help all of us work on our speed, which we need for our shorter summer races!

July 20, 2023 – 8 to 10 x 200m, then 300m in 5k to 3k Pace, with 300m jogs after the 200s and 200m jogs after the 300s

Stallions: 5:30 to 6:30 Pace, 16 to 20 Intervals

Wolf Pack: 6:30 to 7:15 Pace, 14 to 18 Intervals

Gazelles: 7:15 to 8:00 Pace, 14 to 16 Intervals

Coyotes/MTP Trainees: 8:00 to 10:00 Pace, 12 to 16 Intervals

You get a lot of rest in this workout, so make sure your 200s and 300s are quality intervals, and focus on making the later intervals stronger and faster – "Best reps, Last Reps" – or as Coach Big Guy likes to say – "Negative Splits!" You should focus on your form – get up on your toes and Lift your knees – as these are the quickest intervals we usually do at TMBC!

... and the Coach Rich Report –

Greetings Thursday morning track fans! It was good to see a few of you at happy hour last week.

Here is the weekly race run-down...

Rodrigo Vellon ran the 10k Membrilla in Spain in a time of 37:27. His goal was to run at marathon pace and pick it up a little near the end. It was a really hot day so good thing he wasn't trying too hard. We will be looking for 2:37 or better next marathon out Rodrigo. Nice work.

And at the Bastille Day 4M ...
33:36 - Yuko Takakusaki, 2nd 55-59
39:08 - Bonnie Harvey enjoying an easy run while bf John was finishing 6th OA

The next club race is the Bluemont 5K next Wednesday night July 26 at 7PM. I will be there volunteering and cheering. To sign up to run or volunteer go to

Paul Ryan is the race director for a Family Night at the Track and Meet of Miles on Sunday July 30, 5pm at WL. Events include 400m for 4 and under with parents, 800m for 8 and under, and mile heats for: racewalkers, 14 and under, HS, Open and Masters. See or contact Paul Ryan ( for details.

Happy running

Coach Big Guy – and I think – Coach Rich - will see you at Yorktown Track at 6 AM after warmup tomorrow!


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Upcoming Events

DCRRC Belle Haven 8K
Sun, Jan 26th, 2025, @7:00am
RRCA Club Challenge 10M
Sun, Feb 23rd, 2025, @8:00am
Book Club
Sun, Mar 16th, 2025, @4:00pm
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.