3 to 4 x 1600m in 10k, 400m jogs

Fellow Endorphin Junkies -

TMBC practice tomorrow is at Yorktown track, in Greenbriar Park around the corner from the school entrance. Tomorrow's weather will be cold for the first time, with temps in the mid-20s, low humidity at 60%, and a little wind. With these conditions, you should still bring water for hydration after every interval before you start the 400m jog rest interval. On a personal note, please keep Coach Rich in your thoughts and prayers as he recovers from his surgery today that we all hope will allow him to resume running!

November 30, 2023 – TMBC: 3 to 4 x 1600m in 10k Pace, with 400m jogs between

Stallions: 5:45 to 6:30 Pace, 4 Intervals

Wolf Pack: 6:30 to 7:15 Pace, 3 to 4 Intervals

Gazelles: 7:15 to 8:00 Pace, 3 to 4 Intervals

Coyotes/MTP Trainees: 8:00 to 10:00 Pace, 3 Intervals

First thing to remember – please start slower in that first interval – say 10-mile pace, then gradually increase pace until you are running at 10k pace. You could even run the entire first interval at 10m pace, just getting faster – remember "last set, best set." Second, when your track intervals lengthen to a mile, it is sometimes difficult to remember that you really want to change your form, style, cadence, etc. from your standard runs, but you really should. It makes a big difference if you switch your form from long distance form to speed work form – focus on lifting your knees, getting up on your toes, and using your arms in sync to lift the opposite leg. Don't fall into the trap of lengthening your stride (aka "Overstride") – cadence should increase measurably on the track as opposed to the road and trail. Instead, keep your core still and relaxed, and do not cross your arms over your body mid-point – this will swing your core (thus not still) and throw your stride off. On these longer intervals, mentally break them down – for example, on Lap 1 focus on form – "Am I up on my toes and lifting knees?" Lap 2 – "Am I relaxed – am I pushing while not getting to tense?" Lap 3 – "How is my breathing – through my nose and mouth - deeply?" Lap 4 – "Let's Finish strong" – but remember to pace yourselves so your final interval is quicker than your first interval – remember to work towards negative splits!

... and the Coach Rich Report –

Greetings all. I hope you and your families had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. Lots of racing over the holiday weekend ...

Paul Ryan ran the Anacostia Parkrun 5K in 24:54. Good for 2nd OA.

Kenneth Strazzeri ran the City of Fairfax Turkey Trot in 19:59 which was good for 2nd AG.

Loads of peeps racing and best of all having fun at the Club's Alexandria Turkey Trot 5M:

29:20 - Anna Staats
29:53 - Yared Addisu
31:39 - Tatyana Steis
32:26 - Dexter Steis
35:00 - Hope Seck
34:00 - Elise Mulleniex
45:15 - Eunja Rau
45:48 - Big Guy
51:26 - Lisa Towel
1:00:21 - Kimberley Sweeney
1:00:22 - Graham Magill
1:03:29 - Mary Kusler

As a spectator this was a blast to watch. I especially liked seeing Hope finishing 1st amongst those wearing Tutus. Mary and friends in these amazing Turkey hats was another great sight. So many turkey costumes and just a whole lot of fun had out there.

Congrats to all of you who raced this past weekend.

The next club race is the Gar Williams Half Marathon. To register to run this, any of the Snowball Series races and of course for the Predictions & Resolutions 5K at noon on New Year's Day, go to dcroadrunners.org.

We really need a lot of volunteers for all these races and I especially need a lot of extra help for the Predictions & Resolutions 5K. Go to dcroadrunners.org to voluteer.

Happy running!

Coach Big Guy will see you at the Yorktown Track tomorrow!


Upcoming Events

Book Club
Sun, Sep 8th, 2024, @4:00pm
DCRRC Bastille Day 4-Miler
Sun, Sep 15th, 2024, @9:00am
DCRRC National Capital 20 Miler and 5 Miler
Sun, Sep 29th, 2024, @7:00am
DCRR Gar Williams Half Marathon
Sun, Dec 1st, 2024, @9:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.