Fellow Endorphin Junkies
TMBC practice tomorrow is at Yorktown track, in Greenbriar Park around the corner from the school entrance. Tomorrow's weather will be cold, with temps in the lower 30s, higher humidity at 88%, a slight breeze, and no chance of rain. Even with these decent conditions you should still bring water for hydration after every interval before you start the 400m jog rest interval. I would add something to Coach Rich's note – the Club Challenge 10 Miler is a lot of fun, and the only whole Club team run – please think about signing up to help the team score well!
FEBRUARY 1, 2023 – TMBC: – 3 to 5 x 2000m in Cruise Interval Pace (10k pace) with 400m easy jogs in between, final in 5k pace if Frisky
Water breaks are important ALL year round, even when it cooler like tomorrow, so remember to hydrate before, during and after your runs - tomorrow after each interval!
NOTE: I expect to see your heart rates in the Mid 80% of Maximum range, and if your rates are higher, you need to slow down!
Stallions: 6:00 to 6:30 Pace, 4 - 5 Intervals
Wolf Pack: 6:30 to 7:00 Pace, 4 Intervals
Gazelles: 7:00 to 7:30 Pace, 3 - 4 Intervals
Coyotes/MTP Trainees: 7:30 to 10:30 Pace, 3 Intervals
This week's workout is again a base workout, aimed at building strength and endurance for your Spring marathons. As always, don't go out too quick on the first one, and try to make each interval a bit faster than the last. Since these intervals are pretty long, its important to maintain a good but not insistent stride and pace until the last 400, where you can slowly accelerate to finish strong. While you can mentally divide each 2000 into 5 parts – its probably easier to start these like a Tempo run and accelerate to 10k pace, holding it for the first 1600, and for last 400, accelerate slowly to finish strong! Again, as with the 1600s a few weeks ago, remember to leave something in the tank for your last interval, as these segments can be very challenging, even at 10k pace. If you are feeling frisky after 3 or 4, try to run the last one closer to 5k pace
Here is the Coach Rich Club News this week:
Greetings Thursday morning faithful. Once again, no results to report on from last week. If you are racing, please send me an email with your results!
The next club race is the Langley 8K on Saturday February 10. After that is the Club Challenge 10M on February 25th. Additionally, award nominations for the 2023 year are now open for submission. Details for all of these is on the DCRRC Homepage at dcroadrunners.org.
Happy running!
Coach Big Guy will be at Yorktown tomorrow!