3 to 5x 1600m in 10k + 2x 400m in 5k

Fellow Endorphin Junkies -

The Yorktown track resurfacing continues, so we will again move TMBC to the W&L track this Thursday. Washington-Liberty High School is located at 1301 N. Stafford Street, Arlington VA 22201, just a couple of blocks away from the Ballston Metro. This morning the Stafford gate was open by 5:30, but you never know – remember that you can hop the fence on the Quincy street gate VERY easily and got your warm up laps in – hopefully we will have one gate open by 5:40.

Please arrive at W&L Stadium Track early so you can warm up prior to our 6 AM start of speed intervals. The weather will be better than this afternoon (Yikes!) but still warm - with temps in the mid 70s, Lower Humidity 76% humidity and a little bit of wind – so the "Misery Index" Number will be 140 (74 degrees plus Dew Point 66), so just be cautious and monitor your heart rate! Unless your training calls for it, I would choose the two sets of intervals in these conditions for almost all, and three only if you are a Beast Stallion. When conditions are like this, bring plenty of fluids to hydrate! I expect heart rates in the high-80 percent range, and if it gets higher, slow down!

July 18, 2024 – TMBC: 3 to 5 x 1600m in 10k Pace, with 400m jogs between, then finish w/2 x 400m in 5k pace, 200m jog

Stallions: 5:45 to 6:30 Pace, 4 to 5 intervals + 2 x 400m

Wolf Pack: 6:30 to 7:15 Pace, 3 to 4 Intervals + 2 x 400m

Gazelles: 7:15 to 8:00 Pace, 3 to 4 Intervals + 2 x 400m

Coyotes/MTP Trainees: 8:00 to 10:00 Pace, 3 Intervals + 2 x 400m

My suggestions for number of intervals is just that – a suggestion – remember to leave enough in the tank for the 400s, so maybe drop one 1600 unless you are "feeling it." Next thing to remember – please start slower in that first interval – say 10-mile pace, then gradually increase pace until you are running at 10k pace. You could even run the entire first interval at 10m pace, just getting faster – remember "last set, best set." As you can see from above, we want you to get faster on the last intervals. Second, when your track intervals lengthen to a mile, it is sometimes difficult to remember that you really want to change your form, style, cadence, etc. from your standard runs, but you really should. It makes a big difference if you switch your form from long distance form to speed work form – focus on lifting your knees, getting up on your toes, and using your arms in sync to lift the opposite leg. Don't fall into the trap of lengthening your stride (aka "Overstride") – cadence should increase measurably on the track as opposed to the road and trail. Instead, keep your core still and relaxed, and do not cross your arms over your body mid-point – this will swing your core (thus not still) and throw your stride off. On these longer intervals, mentally break them down – for example, on Lap 1 focus on form – "Am I up on my toes and lifting knees?" Lap 2 – "Am I relaxed – am I pushing while not getting to tense?" Lap 3 – "How is my breathing – through my nose and mouth - deeply?" Lap 4 – "Let's Finish strong" – but remember to pace yourselves so your final interval is quicker than your first interval – remember to work towards negative splits and leave a little for the "finishing 300s."

In Club news from Coach Big Guy ...

Still only hearing from a couple of you, so please send me your race results!

I missed 3 performances on the Club's 4th of July Age-Handicapped 4 Miler - on a very warm morning - here they are:

John Peruski, 16th Overall, 2nd AG

Pricilla Sandoli, 52nd Overall, 1st AG

Eunja Roa, 69th Overall, 4th AG (I think)

DCRRC is collaborating with the Potomac Valley Track Club (PVTC) to sponsor a Family Night at the Track, Meet of Miles and 3k on Aug 11 at Yorktown HS. See the Upcoming Events part of the club webpage for a link to the details. Volunteering will count towards your Out-of-Series Bunion Derby series shirt requirement. TMBC's own Paul Ryan is the Race Director:  

DC Road Runners - DCRRC and PVTC Meet of Miles and Family Night at the Track

The next Club race is the July 24th Bluemont 5k at 7 PM. Details for all races are on the Club website https://www.dcroadrunners.org/.

TOmorrow night - July 18th at 5:30 PM there will be a Club Happy Hour in DC at the National Press Club - details again on the front page of the Club website!

Happy Running!

Coach Big Guy will be at W&L in the AM, although running slower than you as he is still on the DL!


Upcoming Events

Book Club
Sun, Sep 8th, 2024, @4:00pm
DCRRC Bastille Day 4-Miler
Sun, Sep 15th, 2024, @9:00am
DCRRC National Capital 20 Miler and 5 Miler
Sun, Sep 29th, 2024, @7:00am
DCRR Gar Williams Half Marathon
Sun, Dec 1st, 2024, @9:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.