Fellow Endorphin Junkies -
The weather Thursday will be pretty nice with Temps in the lower 50s and with lower humidity at 62%, a little windy at 8 MPH, but you should still remember to bring fluids because you need them whenever you run – tomorrow after every interval! Accordingly, the Thursday Morning DCRRC Track Practice in Arlington will begin at the Greenbriar Park around the corner from Yorktown High School at our sweet new track tomorrow at 6:00 AM sharp, with announcements before 6 - so please get there early to warm up – say by 5:40 AM. Workout as follows:
February 27, 2025 – TMBC: 3 x 1600m in 10k Pace, with 400m jogs between
Stallions: 5:45 to 6:30 Pace
Wolf Pack: 6:30 to 7:15 Pace
Gazelles: 7:15 to 8:00 Pace
Coyotes/MTP Trainees: 8:00 to 10:00 Pace
When your track intervals lengthen to a mile, it is sometimes difficult to remember that you really want to change your form, style, cadence, etc. from your standard runs, but you really should. It makes a big difference if you switch your form from long distance form to speed work form – focus on lifting your knees, getting up on your toes, and using your arms in sync to lift the opposite leg. Don't fall into the trap of lengthening your stride (aka "Overstride") – cadence should increase measurably on the track as opposed to the road and trail. Instead, keep your core still and relaxed, and do not cross your arms over your body mid-point – this will swing your core (thus not still) and throw your stride off. On these longer intervals, mentally break them down – for example, on Lap 1 focus on form – "Am I up on my toes and lifting knees?" Lap 2 – "Am I relaxed – am I pushing while not getting too tense?" Lap 3 – "How is my breathing – through my nose and mouth - deeply?" Lap 4 – "Let's Finish strong" – but remember to pace yourselves no your final interval is quicker than your first interval – "Last Set, Best Set!" - remember to work towards negative splits!
... and the Coach Big Guy Report –
TMBC was well at the Club Challenge 10 Miler on Sunday. If I missed you it is because it is SO difficult to check these results on the Howard County Strider's website – send me you results and I will take care of you next week! Here are the results:
Club Challenge 10 Miler
Elise M - 67:30 13th Overall Female – Smokin!
David M - 72:53 – Way to Go!
Yuko T - 82:45 – Great Work!
Yves N - 2:11:33 – A Wrong Turn Cost him a lot of time!
The next Snowball Series Race is this upcoming Sunday the 2nd – the Belle Haven 8k – with a 8 AM start –for those running sign up for the race or to volunteer on the Club Website: dcroadrunners.org. More importantly – sign up for the Club Banquet this Sunday night the 2nd – details on the Club website – should be great!
Happy running!
Coach Big Guy will see you at Yorktown Track at 6 AM after warmup tomorrow!