Hello Saturday Runners!
This week's run will be Piney Branch. If you have requests for future weeks, get them in now-- we only have a couple of months before the mileage will need to coincide with MCM marathon training distances. Requests for that time will still be accommodated when possible, but it will definitely be easier sooner than later!
I'll be out of town this weekend but Rick DeSaussure has graciously agreed to lead in my absence. Nikki Elston is taking care of our beverages. Please thank your friendly volunteers, and if you'd like to help out, too, please let me know! We are still seeking a beverage volunteer for May, and will need many volunteers for coaching and refreshments during this summer's training program.
Thanks for helping SLR to run smoothly and have a great run this weekend! Good luck to Cherry Blossom 10-milers!