Hello Saturday Runners!
This week we will run the Southeast DC route. This will be a nice chance for those of you training for National Marathon to tour that part of town. Also, most of that route is on streets and/or exposed to direct sunlight so it should be a little less ice-covered than other spots. We will be running the same route as the marathon trainees who start from Georgetwon Running Co., so hopefully it will be a fun, sunshine-filled run with extra friends!
A note on ice and other safety stuff: while we each are responsible for our own safety and run at our own risk, a safety tip now and then can't hurt. It's a good idea for safety to run with a cell phone in case of emergency. Or, at the very least, take a little card with your name and an emergency contact number, enough cab fare to get you home from the furthest-out point in the route, some water, and some calories (like a gel), just to make sure you get home even if things go awry when you're 11 miles out on a 22 mile run, for example. Thanks to everyone who looked out for fellow runners on the ice last week, stay safe, and have fun out there!