This Saturday, Feb the 11th, we will be running the Loops of Battery Kemble route. The suggested mileage is 14 miles; mileage options are provided after the directions. You might want to check out the big map too.
Thank you to Walter Barrett for our post-run drinks. We are always looking for volunteers for future months and typically try to have people do 1 month at a time. Email if you can help out.
A few notes on races: we are currently 1 week out from the GW Birthday Marathon (a DCRRC race), 5 weeks out from the National “Rock-n-Roll” DC Marathon & Half-Marathon, and 9 weeks out from Boston. Hope everyone is on track!
Directions: Begin at Iwo Jima, cross key bridge down to C&O Canal path but then go left and take a quick right down the steps to Water St. Right on Water St. to Capital Crescent Trail (paved trail). Continue (past Fletcher’s Boat House) on Cap Crescent. Just past MM 6.5 U-Turn at water fountain, now after about 1/4 mile from U-turn, take left onto trail with chain link fence on left to Potomac Ave. Follow Potomac Ave., then left on Galena Place. Take right onto former railbed dirt trail (or take MacArthur Blvd if you miss it). Now being loops of Battery Kemble Park: Go up Chain Bridge Rd (HILL), right onto gravel road, right onto trail at bottom of hill, stay on trail through woods and exit onto MacArthur Blvd. Take MacArthur back to base of Chain Bridge (1 loop complete) . Retrace your steps back to Cap. Crescent Trail, turn LEFT on trail (don’t go to U-turn spot). Continue back to Georgetown and across Key Bridge through Rosslyn to Iwo Jima. Thats 14 miles.
There are bathrooms at Fletcher’s boat house on the other side of the canal.
Approx. Mileage Options:
10: Turn around at MM 6.5 at Water-fountain, making the U-turn but just coming back from there
12.75: Don’t do any loops of Battery Kemble, turn around once you get to base of Chain Bridge Rd.
16: Do route as written in cue sheet (2 loops, then run out to MM 6.5 on the way back)
??: Add on loops of Battery Kemble to lengthen run (each loop is ~ 1.25 miles)
Have a great run!
-- Erik