SLR June 16 - Glover Archbold Panda Route

Hello Saturday Runners!


This Sat, June 16th, we will be running the Glover Park PANDA route.  The base route is 13 miles, or you can cut some off to make it more like 10 miles.  Shorter than that and you’ll probably just need to make it an out-and-back.


Please give an extra big “thank you” to Dave Webber and family, who are taking care of pre, mid, and post-run SLR beverages!  We still have a handful of summer dates that need mid-run beverage volunteers, in fact those dates are:  June 30, July 14 & 21, and August 18 & 25.  Its not a lot of work and DCRRC reimburses your expenses, so grab a friend, a spouse, or just a good book and help keep your fellow club members hydrated!  Email to volunteer.


The heat is on! Please exercise caution when running in the summer heat.  Though it may start out in the 60s it can get well into the 80s by the end of the run, and its only going to get hotter.  Here are a few tips for dealing with the summer heat:

  • Make sure to drink fluids before, during and after any running.  Also try to drink plenty of fluids the day before the run too.  They say 6-8 oz of sports drink or water per hour.  This may mean carrying fluids in a fuel belt or hand bottle!
  • Try to dress in light-colored, loose fitting, moisture wicking clothing.  Less is not always more, so going shirtless may not always be a wise choice in extreme heat.  Try to wear a visor or sunglasses too.
  • If you are feeling signs of heat illness or dehydration, stop, get in the shade, and get a drink immediately.  Don’t be tempted to “push through the pain”.  These signs include severe headache, upset stomach, confusion/ feeling disoriented, and clammy skin and cessation of sweating.  If you experience goose bumps or start seeing spots (yes it really happens) you are dehydrated.
  • If all else fails don’t be afraid to re-schedule your run or dial down the mileage.

In addition to our mid-run beverages, there are water fountains in the Zoo, along Rock Creek Park trails, and indoor bathrooms with water under the Lincoln Memorial.  Even if you are almost done, better to play it safe and get a drink if you are overheating.


Route Directions:  follow prompts in cue sheet online, check map too.


To shorten: At mile 4.0, take a right on Massachusetts Ave.  Take Mass Ave all the way down to Sheridan Circle, bear right on the circle, take right on 23rd St NW to exit, take slight right onto Q st, and then immediately left back onto 23rd St.  Take this up to P St, right on P St NW.  Soon you will pass over the Rock Creek Park trail, then take a left to rejoin Rock Creek Park trail. Take back to Memorial bridge, end at Iwo Jima.  Makes it like a 10 mile run.


To lengthen: after the Panda portion you can take Mass Ave Northwest and rejoin the original route around mile 4.0.  Should add like 4.5 miles.  More loops mean more Pandas!!


-- Erik


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Sun, Mar 16th, 2025, @4:00pm
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Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
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The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.