SLR July 28 - C&O Canal Towpath

Hello Saturday Runners!

Hope everyone is keeping cool out there!  This Sat, July 28th we will be running an out and back on the C&O Canal Towpath.  I put down 18 miles since folks are probably starting to build up for their fall marathons, but feel free to run less (or more) as needed.  The heat shouldn't be too bad either, but still make sure to stop for water when you have the chance (several water fountains along route). Still starting at the park NW of Iwo Jima.

Thank you again to Eric Waskowicz for providing post-run drinks, and to Stephanie Devlin for mid-run drinks this week. Drinks are taken care of for August, but we will be needing someone to do post-run beverages in September and beyond. Its not a lot of work and DCRRC reimburses your expenses - please email if you can help out.

You might want to wear a hat or sunglasses if its sunny out - you're in the shade a lot but the sun can get in your eyes a bit on the way back.  Also remember that the towpath is packed dirt so your times might be a little slower than normal, but the upside is that running on trails or packed dirt is often easier on your joints and has less risk of injury.  

Directions: From Iwo Jima, go through Rosslyn and cross Key Bridge. Take a sharp right after the bridge down to river side of C&O Canal. Turn right (go under Key Bridge) and run for miles!

The mile markers are situated to match up with the distance travelled from Iwo Jima. In other words, mile marker 3 (near Fletcher's Boathouse) is 3 miles out. So...

  • 12 miles to Towpath Mile Marker 6 and back
  • 14 Miles to Mile Marker 7 and back
  • 18 miles to Mile Marker 9 and back
  • 19 miles to Beltway and back

Water stops (and facilities) at Fletcher's Boathouse at Mile Marker 3, water at Towpath Mile Marker 5 and just before Towpath Mile Marker 9. Hit these out AND back.

Thank you to all those who participated (both running and helping out) with the DCRRC track championships Wednesday!

Happy Running!

-- Erik


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The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.