This Saturday, Oct 5th, we will be running the Capital Crescent to Rock Creak BIG loop - clockwise in direction - its over 22 miles. So this means heading south on Mt. Vernon, past DCA, and onto 4 Mile Run First. This ensures plenty of water fountains and downhill running on the Custis Trail at the end of the run when it will be warmer out. Route is approx. 16 miles in length. I will be out of town but have a sub starting things off. This is a great final LSD (long, slow, distance) run for anyone running Marine Corps Marathon in 3 weeks.
Thank you to Angela Katson for post-run drinks! We could always use additional drink volunteers - the next few months of post-run drinks are wide open. Its not a lot of work and the club reimburses your expenses. Check the SLR Webpage for dates of need - email if you can help out!
There will be plenty of opportunities for water along the route as well. Look at the bottom of the cue sheet for listings.
-- Erik