Hello Saturday Runners!
This Sat, June 21st, we will be running the Glover Panda Route for about 13 miles.
We are still currently in need of mid-run drink volunteers for summer as well as post-run drinks for July. Its not a lot of work and the club reimburses your expenses. This is critical especially in the summer heat! Please check the SLR webpage for dates of need and email SLR@dcroadrunners.org to help out!
Thank you to Kevin Cunningham for our post-run drinks! We will also be having mid-run drinks provided by Kerry O'Brien. These will be about 4 miles in giving you a chance to refuel. I also encourage everyone to get a drink at the water fountains located throughout the zoo about 7 miles in.
What fall marathons are people running? Marine Corps is the big local draw, but feel free to shoot me an email or tell me in person if you are running something else so I can plan the routes accordingly for summer and fall.
The weather is heating up so take it easy, hydrate, and enjoy the shade in Glover Park! Have a great run!
-- Erik