Hello Saturday Runners!
The route for Saturday January 31st will be 12 miles of ups and downs on Upton Hill. If you're looking for a shorter run, you can make it an out & back on the Custis trail (it's about 5 miles to Westover Park), or to lengthen it you can add as much as you like on the Custis/W&OD trail. Saturday is looking like a clear and cold morning, so dress warmly and bring your sunglasses!
Thanks to Erik Price for post-run drinks this weekend, and for covering the month of January! The next beverage opening will be March 7th and 14th, so please volunteer if you plan to be at SLR for those two weeks. Visit the SLR page any time to see current needs, and email if you can help. This is an easy way to support your fellow SLR-ers, and the club will reimburse all expenses.
Also, don't forget to represent your club and register for the RRCA Club Challenge Ten Miler coming up in February! Registration fees are covered by the club, and round trip bus transportation is provided from DC and Arlington.
Info: http://striders.net/races/rrca/2015
Registration: https://secure.getmeregistered.com/get_information.php?event_id=120351
Bus: https://www.dcroadrunners.org/sign-up/club-challenge-bus
Happy running!