Hello Saturday Runners!
Good luck to everyone running the Marine Corps Marathon this weekend! To those of you who won't be resting on Saturday, the route for this week, October 24, will be 12 miles via Upton Hill (additional map here). This is an out & back route, so if you'd like a shorter run you can turn around sooner, or for extra mileage you can continue on Custis/W&OD for as long as you like after running up and down the big hill.
Thank you Joe Buccino for post-run beverages this week! Our scheudle of upcoming routes and volunteer needs is now posted through the end of the year on the SLR page so please let me know when you can help out, and email me with at least 2 consecutive weeks (preferably 4 weeks). Volunteering is easy, much appreciated by your SLR cohort, and all beverage expenses will be reimbursed by the club.
Happy running!