Hello Saturday Runners!
The route for this Saturday, December 26, will be the 11 mile Festivus Run (additional map here), which is similar to last week's route, but in reverse and with a few extra turns. Keep an eye out for aluminum poles along the route (street lights?), and maybe throw in a few strides to impress everyone with your feats of strength!
I will be out of town this weekend, but Dan Lesmez will be starting the run for you on Saturday morning.
Thank you Jenny Taso for bringing our post-run beverages this week! Starting on January 16, every week is open for you to volunteer, so please let me know when you can pitch in. Up-to-date future volunteer needs as well as a route schedule are always available on our web page, and you can email me to schedule your slot. Any time you volunteer for at least 2 consecutive weeks is helpful, and if you can do 4 weeks (or more!) that's ideal. Volunteering is easy, and all of your expenses for supplies will be reimbursed by the club.
Happy running!