Hello Saturday Runners!
On Saturday, January 2, we will be running the 13 mile MacArthur Loop (additional map here). This route is one that I'm pulling from the archives, so many of you will not have run it recently, if at all. I will have cue sheets on Saturday morning, but a look at the map and directions ahead of time is helpful too. To add about 2 miles to this route, return via Memorial Bridge rather than Key Bridge at the end. For less than 13 miles, after starting with the group, I'd suggest simply running an out & back on the Capital Crescent Trail.
If you've been looking ahead at the planned upcoming SLR routes for this season, please note that I've made a few changes. All of the routes and distances are the same, but I've shuffled the order for part of the schedule to spread out the longest runs. This will hopefully improve things for everyone. Those of you training for Boston will have more recovery time between 20 mile runs and other hard workouts (including Monday tempo and Wednesday/Thursday track), and those of you training for marathons in March such as Rock n Roll DC will be better served by longer runs occurring earlier in the schedule.
Thank you Kyle Edgerton for post-run beverages! Starting on January 16, every week is in need of volunteers, so please let me know when you're available to help. Up-to-date future volunteer needs as well as a route schedule are always available on our web page, and you can email me to schedule your slot. Any time you can volunteer for at least 2 consecutive weeks is helpful, and if you can do 4 weeks (or more!) that's ideal. Volunteering is easy, and all of your expenses for supplies will be reimbursed by the club.
Happy running!