Hello Saturday Runners!
This Saturday morning, on May 21, we will be running 11 miles along the Four Mile Run Park route (additional map here). If you'd like to extend the route to 13 miles, you can continue on the Mt. Vernon Trail up past Roosevelt Island on the way back, and return via Rosslyn. For a shorter run, I would suggest out & back on the Mt. Vernon Trail, since the turnoff for the Four Mile Run trail is 5 miles from our meeting point. It's looking like we won't be so lucky with the weather this week, so be ready for some rain, and we'll brave it together!
Please also remember that we will be joined by the Marathon Training Program jump-start group starting this weekend (announcement sent out earlier this week). They will be meeting at our same start point at 7:45 am, for additional introductory info and material from the coaches, before a coordinated start. Let's all welcome our newly expanded group!
Thank you Jill Burkholder for post-run beverages this week! We now have post-run beverages covered until the end of June, but please start thinking about mid-run beverages which (assuming we get volunteers!) will begin on June 4, and let me know when you can volunteer.
Up-to-date future volunteer needs and a route schedule are always posted on our web page, and you can email me to schedule your slot. For mid-run beverages, any week you're able to volunteer is appreciated, but for post-run beverages it's best if you can cover two (or more!) consecutive weeks at a time, to cut down on hand-offs of the bins. If you enjoy or benefit from the entirely volunteer-supported beverages at our runs, please do your part - it's easy, and you'll be reimbursed for all expenses.
Happy running!