Hello Saturday Runners!
Our route on July 9 will be out & back on the Capital Crescent Trail (additional map here), for a recommended distance of 14 miles. You can easily lengthen or shorten this route by simply turning around whenever you've reached half of your desired distance. For a landmark, the water fountain 5 miles out from the start point is at mile marker 6.5 on the CCT, and this is also where our mid-run beverage station will be located this week.
As I'm sure you all know, the weather has been and will be hot, with temperatures reaching the 80s by 9:00 am and peaking in the mid 90s on Saturday. Please make sure to carry extra fluids, run at a slower pace than usual, and watch out for your fellow runners who can sometimes be in more distress than they themselves realize.
I'm unfortunately not going to be able to make it to SLR for the next few weeks due to travel plans, but I'm leaving you in the enthusiastic and capable hands of Coach Kathy, our director of the Marathon Training Program!
Please thank Eunja Rau for our post-run drinks, and Gary Morgans for our mid-run drinks! We will need more mid-run volunteers after next week, so please get in touch with me if you can help - this can count towards your volunteer credit for either the Bunion Derby or the Marathon Training Program.
Up-to-date future volunteer needs and a route schedule are always posted on our web page, and you can email me any time to schedule your slot. For mid-run beverages, any week you're able to volunteer is appreciated, but for post-run beverages it's best if you can cover two (or more!) consecutive weeks at a time, to cut down on hand-offs of the bins. If you enjoy or benefit from the entirely volunteer-supported beverages at our runs, please do your part - it's easy, and you'll be reimbursed for all expenses.
Happy running!