Hello Saturday Runners!
This week's route takes us onto the trails in its first half, for a total of 13 miles along Glover - Tilden - Rock Creek (additional map here). For a shorter run that includes more trail miles, you can go out & back on the Glover Archbold Trail, retracing your path back to the start. If you'd like to add distance beyond 13 miles, continuing along the river to return via the 14th St bridge will add about 2.5 miles. Fall weather is definitely here, with forecast temperatures in the mid-30s on Saturday morning, so come prepared!
Even though fall racing season is still upon us, we're already within 18 weeks of spring races in March, so starting next week, November 19, the club's Marathon Training Program will once again be meeting concurrently with us for long runs. Please welcome the new crop of trainees next week, and encourage them to stick around for SLR after their target race!
We now need a volunteer to start handling post-run drinks, since the schedule currently has a gap of 3 weeks after this Saturday. Please thank Coach Big Guy for stepping up (a third time, now!) this week to fill in, but post-run drinks will not resume until more volunteers start signing up. He's going to be out of town next weekend, so the reprieve ends after this week!
I've now posted a complete schedule of our runs taking us into spring marathon season, going through both Rock n Roll DC and Boston. Volunteer needs to go with our route schedule are always kept up-to-date on our web page, and you can email me any time to schedule your slot. Post-run drinks are entirely volunteer supported, so if you regularly enjoy this SLR perk, please do your part to keep it going! Volunteering is easy, doesn't take a lot of time, and all restocking expenses will be reimbursed by the club.
Happy running!