Hello Saturday Runners!
Happy 2017! As the frst SLR of the new year, we will be doing the Battery Kemble Loops (additional map here) route, for 16 miles. You can easily shorten this to 14 miles by running only to the base of Battery Kemble Park and turning around, without doing the standard 2 loops. For less than 14 miles, I'd suggest simply turning around sooner along this (mostly) out & back route.
The forecast this Saturday is looking cold and cloudy, with temperatures in the low to mid 20s. Bundle up, bring your hat & gloves, and I'll see you on Saturday morning to generate our own heat! If you're not already used to cold weather running, as a general rule I'd suggest dressing with the approximate level of warmth that you'd want in similar conditions if it were 20 degrees warmer and you were outdoors but not running. Just because it's cold doesn't mean you won't sweat, so wicking fabrics are still probably the best choice, and a change of clothes or at least a jacket to toss on post-run will help fight the chill after you stop moving.
Don't forget our upcoming Snowball Series races, and the JFK 20K & MLK 5K next weekend on Saturday the 14th as an alternate choice from SLR. Check the club website for a full series schedule, and links to sign up for either running or volunteering at any of the races. You can also get series volunteer credit by signing up for at least 2 weeks of SLR post-run drinks!
Thanks to Kyle Edgerton for again covering post-run drinks, beyond his initial volunteer period! We need more volunteers to step up starting now to carry us into the new year, so please let me know any time when you'll be able to help out for at least 2 consecutive weeks. Volunteer needs along with the weekly route & distance schedule are always kept up-to-date on the SLR web page, and you can email me any time to schedule your slot. Post-run drinks are entirely volunteer supported, so if you regularly enjoy this SLR perk, you should do your part to keep it going! Volunteering is easy, doesn't take a lot of time, and all restocking expenses will be reimbursed by the club.
Happy running!