Hello Saturday Runners!
On Saturday, January 28, we will be running the 13 mile MacArthur Blvd Loop (additional map here). This is one of our less frequently used routes, so many of you will not have run it recently or at all, but it's one I really enjoy! It goes through some DC neighborhoods less frequently seen at SLR, and has plenty of rolling hills to keep things interesting! I will have cue sheets on Saturday morning, but a look at the map and directions ahead of time is helpful too. To add about 2 miles to this route, return via Memorial Bridge rather than Key Bridge at the end. For less than 13 miles, after starting with the group, I'd suggest simply running an out & back on the Capital Crescent Trail.
The next upcoming Snowball Series race will be the Langley 8K next week on Saturday February 4. Check the club website for a full series schedule, and links to sign up for either running or volunteering at any of the other races. You can also get series volunteer credit by signing up for at least 2 weeks of SLR post-run drinks!
We also have the DC RRCA Club Challenge Ten Miler coming up on Sunday February 26. Please make sure you are a current club member before registering for this race, as we will be running in the team competition and the club will pay your race registration entry fee. We will also organize a bus for free transportation with your friends, and pickup/drop-off points at Courthouse in Arlington, and Dupont Circle in DC. It's a really fun event, with a challenging (hilly!) race course, and as usual post-race refreshments on the bus!
Coming up on March 5, we will have our Annual Banquet & Membership Meeting at Maggiano's in Friendship Heights. In addition to drinks & dinner, we will be presenting our annual awards, electing the club's 2017 board of directors, and hearing a state of the club presentation. We also have an exciting keynote speaker in Matt Centrowitz, American University head cross country coach, 2-time Olympian, former 5000m American record holder, and father of Matthew Centrowitz Jr. who is the 2016 Olympic gold medalist at 1500m. Pre-registration on the club website is required for this event.
Thank you Franco Ordonez for post-run drinks! Volunteer needs along with the weekly route & distance schedule are always kept up-to-date on the SLR web page, and you can email me any time to schedule your slot. Post-run volunteers are typically scheduled for at least 2 consecutive weeks to cut down on handoffs of the bins, and because it's a relatively easy job. Post-run drinks are entirely volunteer supported, so if you regularly enjoy this SLR perk, do your part to keep it going! Volunteering is easy, doesn't take a lot of time, and all restocking expenses will be reimbursed by the club.
Happy running!