Hello Saturday Runners!
The route for Saturday, April 15, will be 12 miles to RFK and back (additional map here). For a shorter run, you can simply turn around earlier, cutting off the out & back at whatever point you like. To extend the run, if you take a left at 15th St on your way back and go down around the end of Hains Point before returning to Memorial Bridge and the start, it will be about 16 miles.
Good luck to everyone heading out this weekend for the Boston Marathon! Since I'm making my first trip to Hopkinton this year I won't be at SLR, but Kerry O'Brien will be there get things started for you. You should have a nice spring morning in store on Saturday, with ideal running weather - relatively low humidity and temperatures in the 50s!
Thanks this week go to Kyle Edgerton for post-run drinks! We will need another volunteer starting after next week. The schedule of routes and distances is now posted to take us up to the beginning of the next Marathon Training Program cycle, when it begins ramping up in June for MCM. As another reminder, starting in June we'll be looking for volunteers to cover mid-run drinks as well as post-run drinks, to help get us through the hot summer months.
Volunteer needs along with the weekly route & distance schedule are always kept up-to-date on the SLR web page, and you can email me any time to schedule your slot. Post-run volunteers are typically scheduled for at least 2 consecutive weeks to cut down on handoffs of the bins, while mid-run drinks can be booked on a week by week basis. SLR drinks are entirely volunteer supported, so if you regularly enjoy this perk, do your part to keep it going! Volunteering is easy, doesn't take a lot of time, and all restocking expenses will be reimbursed by the club.
On Saturday April 29th, lululemon is sending their #morethanmiles Test Truck to hang out in the community and would love to see people from this "DC Road Runners" they've been hearing so much about! Starting at 9:30 am near the SLR start/finish area, we invite you all to come hang out and have some good breakfast food and check out what More than Miles has to offer. The truck is equipped with a treadmill and music for a unique running experience. If you'll be there to run SLR starting at 8:00 am, you can hang out when you get back, or just come have breakfast and catch up with lots of fun DC Road Runners and celebrate that spring is here! Click here to see what this is all about!
Happy running!