Hello Saturday Runners!
Good luck to our Boston runners this week who won't be at SLR! Tomorrow morning's run on Saturday, April 14 will be 12.5 miles along the Olympic Torch route (downloads: cue sheet and GPS). Since this one is a loop there's no easy way to cut distance while staying along the route, but you could go up 23rd St from the Lincoln Memorial, all the way up to a left on Mass Ave, and then back down the Glover Archbold Trail, which I would guess is between 9 and 10 miles. It's going to be a beautiful Saturday in DC, so I'll see you all there!
Thank you Ted Logothetti for post-run drinks the past two weeks! We now need more volunteers for next week and beyond, so please get in touch with me now if you can help. SLR post-run drinks will not resume after tomorrow until more folks sign up! The weekly schedule of volunteers, routes, and distances is always kept up-to-date on the SLR web page, and you can email me any time to book your slot. For more info on how volunteering works, please first see the SLR FAQ, and after that send me an email if you'd like any additional details.
Happy running,