Hello Saturday Runners!
This week's run on May 19 is scheduled as 12 miles to Potomac Overlook Loops (downloads: cue sheet and GPS). Depending on the weather, if the ground is wet it might not be a great idea to run these trails, so if that's the case I'd recommend a backup plan of going out & back on the Capital Crescent Trail. I'm going to be out of town this week, so I'll leave the game-time route based on local conditions to Franco who's subbing in for me on Saturday.
Please thank Franco Ordonez this week for bringing post-run drinks over the past month, and also for kicking off the run these last two weeks!
We will need more volunteers for both post-run and mid-run drinks coming up in June, so please get in touch with me if you can help. The weekly schedule of volunteers, routes, and distances is always kept up-to-date on the SLR web page, and you can email me any time to book your slot. For more info on how volunteering works, please first see the SLR FAQ, and after that send me an email if you'd like any additional details.
Please note: Beginning in two weeks, on June 2, our meeting time will be moving up to 7:00 am for the summer months, to beat the heat
Happy running,