Hi Runners,
The route this weekend is the 15 mile Long Bridge Park. The cue sheet and GPS links are here.
A reminder that SLR is at 7 AM between Memorial Day and Labor Day! Eunja is the post run drink volunteer this weekend (thank you Eunja!). If you are interested in volunteering in the next few weeks, please reach out to me – I ask that you are able to volunteer for at least 2 weeks in a row due to bin logistics. Volunteering will count towards the bunion derby. I will not be at SLR this weekend, but Jonny will be there to kick you off!
We will have some COVID safety protocols in place for now. If you do not feel comfortable joining us for now, I understand and look forward to seeing you when you are comfortable. The Hugh Jascourt 4 miler race is this Sunday and the club happy hour is at Ireland’s Four Courts on June 24th!
Out of caution, we will have administrative controls in place. If you are not comfortable attending in person at this time, that is totally fine! We look forward to seeing you again when you are comfortable.
For liability purposes, we request you to be a Club member in good standing and sign the club waiver prior to coming to SLR. We encourage you to be fully vaccinated prior to coming to Saturday long runs and request that you adhere to all CDC guidelines. If your membership is not up to date, this is a good time to pay your membership dues. If you have any questions, please contact deborah@dcroadrunners.org.
Please wear a mask at the kickoff time until the group spreads out. Be mindful of the community and anyone you pass and try to give others 6 feet of space if possible. When you finish your run, please space out. In order to minimize contact it will BYO map for now (I plan to use my phone) and water/Gatorade after the run will be in small individual bottles.
If you have experienced any COVID symptoms listed here https://www.cdc.gov/screening/index.html in the past 48 hours, we ask that you DO NOT attend SLR for the benefit of other club members.