Hi Runners,
The route this week is the 15 mile Iron Triangle, so get ready for some hills! The cue sheet and GPS links are here. This Saturday will (knock on wood) be pretty cool when we start! There will be no mid run drinks so please bring fluids with you. Thank you Christie and Rodrigo for bringing post run drinks this week!
The next club race is the final race in the Bunion Derby series. It is the DCRRC Women's Distance Festival 5K and Run After the Women 5K (but it conflicts with SLR). I am thinking of having a Sunday Long Run at 7 am on the 9/19Â as well to accomodate those who want to do both – if you would be interested in a Sunday long run please email me megan@dcroadrunners.org.
Please be sure to follow CDC guidelines with respect to COVID-19.
Happy running!