Hi All,
Apologies again for the mix up last week. This week is the Iron Triangle route! It is a very hilly 15 mile route that I really like because you go up through some beautiful neighborhoods in Arlington and get to come back on the Custis Trail - plus what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! The route for this week is the 15 mile Iron Triangle loop and the cue sheets and gps files are here.Â
Please consider volunteering for Post Run drinks and if you have any questions let me know! The drinks are reimbursed by the club through this link. It counts for Snowball Series volunteer credit. I had to get the drinks this week in addition to going to print the maps, etc. So if you are able to help me out, I would appreciate it!
Best of luck to those of you running the Al Lewis 10-miler on Saturday - we will miss you at SLR :)Â
The next Snowball Series race is the DCRRC JFK 20K and MLK 5K on Jan 15th!
See you Saturday,