Hello Saturday Long Runners!
Happy Memorial Day weekend! I'm currently up in Traverse City, Michigan getting ready for the Bayshore Marathon tomorrow, but fear not, the wonderful Jill Brasky will be taking over for what looks to be the perfect day for a long run (and hopefully a marathon)! Weather should be in the mid-50s and overcast to continue our streak of great spring weather. Now let's get into it:
The Route: You asked, we delivered! This Cathedral Clintons edition is a never-been-run-before (well I've test run it a few times) edition that removes the ever cumbersome trail through Dumbarton Oaks Park. Instead we'll go up to the Cathedral, take a gander at some grotesques, and run down (and down, and down) the newly redone Massachusettes Ave to Dupont Circle and over to the White House to come back via the Mall. I know the Dumbarton Oaks trail has been a sore spot for this route, so I'm hoping this version is a bit easier to navigate while still passing both the Cathedral and the Clintons (if you have ideas for other Cathedral Clintons variations, I'm all ears!). Strava, Cue Sheet (thanks Jill for making this one!) and GPS are attached.
Want Something Shorter? I've run this route as a 10 miler a few times by cutting down from Massachusettes Ave at 22nd Street and coming back along M Street (similar to the route here). This will still get you all the hills and embassies for a bit less mileage!
Need a Longer Route? Adding an extra out and back on the Mall towards the Capitol (and RFK if you're feeling exceptionally ambitious) is a great way to make this route any number of miles!
Thirsty? Unfortunately, water fountains on this route are few and far between, though there are some on the Mall around miles 9 to 10. We also don't have any volunteers for post run drinks this week. If you're interested in volunteering for post or mid run drinks in the future shoot me an email!
Need a Bathoroom? Last I checked a couple weeks ago, there's a portopotty near the top of Cleveland Ave. There are also bathrooms at the Washington Monument around mile 9, but be warned the ones on the Elm Walk near Signer's Island are closed indefinitely.
The next club race is the Women's Distance Festival 5K and Run After the Women next Sunday, June 4th. We're also in need of volunteers for the event if you're not planning on racing. There's also still time to read "For the Glory: The Untold and Inspiring Story of Eric Liddell, Hero of Chariots of Fire" for the next book club on June 25th!
Happy Running!