SLR: **New Route** Battery Garesché 14 Miles

Hello Saturday Long Runners!

I'm still soaking in the heat and humidity of the Twin Cities (and seeing Taylor Swift tonight), so Nate Rathjen will be taking over this week for what looks to be a steamy long run. As the weather continues to warm up, I implore you to volunteer for mid-run or post run drinks. I try to make sure the routes we do have some sort of water options along the way, but having dependable drinks is key to a good long run. As a reminder, for Bunion Derby volunteer credit you need to volunteer for either two weeks of post run or one week of mid-run drinks. Thanks to Miguel Cuya for volunteering this week for post run drinks! Now let's get into it:

The Route: This week's brand new route is a Nate Rathjen original, taking you near his neighborhood in Alexandria and by Battery Garesché, an old Civil War artillary battery named for Lieutenant Colonel Julius Peter Garesche. Battery Garesché (strava, pdf, gpx) runs down Army Navy Drive to the 4 Mile run before a little lolipop in Fairlington and back up to North Meade Park.

Want Something Shorter? For an 11 or 12 mile option, the Pentagon Army Navy route is a good way to cut off a few miles while still running on Army Navy Drive. There are also metro stations at Potomac Yard, Crystal City, and Pentagon City that can make for shorter routes as well. For less than 10, I'd recommend an out and back on Army Navy down to the 4 Mile Run.

Need a Longer Route? To add two miles, take the 4 Mile Run to the Mount Vernon Trail and follow it back to the Memorial Bridge for about 16 miles. If you want even more, coming through Rosslyn instead of the Memorial Bridge will give you around 17 miles total!

Thirsty? Water fountains are limited on this route, but there is possibly one in Utah Park and by the Fairlington community center around 7.7 miles. Thanks again to Miguel C. for post run drinks!

Need a Bathroom? Bathrooms are also a bit limited on this route, but keep an eye out throughout the neighborhood, there's generally a portopotty in someone's yard. The Target at the corner of Army Navy Drive also has public restrooms and the Fairlington Community Center would likely let you use theirs in a pinch.

Want a new Singlet? Back by popular demand, the DC Road Runners Red Singlets are back on sale now! These are completely optional, but guaranteed to make you faster and more stylish than ever before. They'll ship in August, just in time for fall races! Act fast, they'll only be avaialable til 7/16, reach out to with any questions!

The next club race is the Age Handicapped Four Miler on July 4th! This is one of the most unique and fun races in our roster with over 20 separate start times as older runners start first, younger runners start last, and the first one to the line wins! Runners are also highly encouraged to donate unique items to the prize pool, past years have included 1970s baseball cards, a Simpsons Dart Board, and a New Guinean sheath. This event wouldn't be possible without our volunteers, consider helping out if you aren't planning on racing.

Happy Running!



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Sun, Jan 26th, 2025, @7:00am
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Sun, Mar 16th, 2025, @4:00pm
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The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.