Hello Saturday Long Runners!
As a reminder there is no SLR this weekend, instead come out and run (or race!) the JFK 20K or MLK 5K at Carderock at 10 AM for the 20K and 9 AM for the 5K. It looks like we’ll once again miss the rain for this one, though the canal might still be a bit sloshy, so bring your steeple chase skills! As a reminder, signups close TONIGHT at 7 PM and there will not be race day registration in accordance with our NPS permits.
The Route: This one goes out to everyone who requests an out and back on the C&O for SLR! Except this time we start by heading south from Carderock to the Chain Bridge (a perfect 10K with a little bit of downhill) then back up a gradual incline to Carderock. The views on this part of the canal are some of my favorite in the area! Be on the look out for beavers, ducks, deer, herons, and all sorts of other wildlife!
Want Something Shorter? Well you’re in luck! The JFK 20K has an accompanying 5K that starts an hour earlier! Test your speed on this shorter version of the out and back and still make it home in time for brunch! We also still need a few volunteers for the race, so please sign up if you're able!
Need a Longer Route? Might I recommend what I once dubbed the WTF JFK MLK 25K. Run the 5K at 9 AM, jog around for a little cooldown and warmup, then double back in the 20K at 10 AM! Twice the races, still zero dollars, and infinite bragging rights on Strava!
Thirsty? We’ll have a water stop on the 20K around the 5/7 mile markers by one of the locks! Though the puddles on the canal may be tempting, they are not potable and you will end up with dysentery (ask me how I know, I dare you).
Need a Bathroom? Carderock has some very reliable ones! As far as along the course, there may be a stray portopotty or two along the canal, but I wouldn’t plan on it.
We’ll return to our regularly scheduled 8 AM SLRs at North Meade Park next Saturday! The next club race is the Langley 8K on Saturday February 10th and we WILL be cancelling SLR accordingly. Come out for a great tuneup before Club Challenge!
Happy Running!