SLR: 12 Miles Cathedral Clintons

Hello Saturday Long Runners!

The Heat Dome(TM) is upon us and it's going to be a sticky one out there for the next few weeks. Thus I begin my yearly pleading to please please please stay safe and hydrated out there on this and all of your runs. Dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are dangerous and staying hydrated and knowing when to stop are imperative to avoiding them. Now let's get into it:

The Route: This week we'll be heading up Rock Creek Park and up (and up and up) Calvert and Cleveland to Cathedral Clintons(strava, gps, pdf). After trudging uphill for seemingly the entire run, we'll be treated to the best downhill in DC (as voted by me, this morning while writing this) along Massachusetts Avenue along Embassy Row and past the White House back to the park. 

Want Something Shorter? Take a right on 22nd Street and then another right on M Street to cut this down from a 12 miler to a 10 miler and skip a bit of the stop-and-go of running through the city. Otherwise a shorter out and back in Rock Creek Park is the way to go!

Need a Longer Route? Heading down the Mall towards Capitol Hill will get you some sun this weekend, but will also get you a few more miles and a few water fountains along the way. Running along the Mount Vernon Trail to get back to the park instead of the Cemetery will also tack on an extra mile.

Thirsty? Water is few and far between on this route (other than once we get to the Mall, but those are late in the game), so be sure to bring your own. We've had some reshuffling of post-run drinks and no longer have any planned for this week, if you've got any lying around and put them out tomorrow I'll be sure to get you some credit towards volunteering! 

Need a Bathroom? Those are also limited. There are usually some portopotties in people's yards for construction along Cleveland. There are also the reliable-yet-disgusting bathrooms at the Washington Monument, which are great options in a pinch! The Lincoln Memorial's construction project may be a bit of an eye sore, but it does come with nice standalone bathrooms across the street towards Ohio Drive which are wonderful!

We'll miss you Jill! The rumors are unfortunately true and former board member, Marathon Training Program lead, and SLR stalwart Coach Jill Brasky is moving to Ohio in July! Jill has long been one of the people I (and many others) have looked up to most in the club, she always knows what to say after a good or bad race, has provided guidance and mentorship to countless first-time (and many-time) marathoners, and will attack any challenge (or metal pole) in her path. Come say goodbye after SLR on Saturday (coffee, tea, bagels, and baked goods included). Feel free to bring anything else, we'll be in the party room where there is plenty of space to bring kids and other family/friends. The building gym locker rooms will also be available to freshen up if you need to! The party will be held at the Williamsburg Condominium (1276 N Wayne St. Arlington)from 9-12 on Saturday June 15th, enter #522 in the lobby to be buzzed in, the party room is just to the right. Thanks to Deb, Lisa, Anne, and Eunja for organizing!

The next club race is the Hugh Jascourt 4-Miler on Friday June 21st. We need plenty of volunteers to keep this event running (and if it's anything like the past editions, we'll have birthday cake for the club's birthday!). The Book Club also meets this Sunday from 4-5 to discuss Running with the Buffalos, contact Eunja for more information!

Happy Running!



Upcoming Events

DCRRC Al Lewis 10-Miler and 5-Miler
Sun, Jan 5th, 2025, @8:00am
DCRRC Belle Haven 8K
Sun, Jan 26th, 2025, @7:00am
Book Club
Sun, Mar 16th, 2025, @4:00pm
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.