SLR: 14 Miles Festivus Run

Seasons Greeting Saturday Long Runners!

Insert Mariah Carey voice "It's TIMEEEEEEEEE". That's right, we're officially into December which means a fun filled month of holiday themed runs starting this week and lasting us til the end of the year. Old Man Winter has also decided to join us this week and it's going to be a cold one, bundle up and be prepared for a few extra streetlights this route compared to our usual runs. Now let's get into it:

The Route: Pull out those checkbooks and get ready to write your donations to The Human Fund, it's Festivus (strava, gps, pdf) week! We'll cross into the city via the Key Bridge then head straight down K street to start our foray into Strava art (if you want to see how a pro does it, check out Carl Ford's Capitol Hill turkey from Thanksgiving). The trick for this one is to remember your diagonals: Rhode Island and Massachusetts to be exact. Go out to 18th and 14th streets on both of those for the base and up 16th street as far as you'd like for the Festivus Pole (for the full route, turn around at Arkansas Ave, the same place we turn down to go onto Piney Branch).

Partake In Some Traditions: For those who aren't Seinfeld Fans (I still haven't seen this episode, or any for that matter), Festivus is a holiday celebrated as an alternative to the pressures and commercialism of this season. More importantly, though, it's a time to come together, romp around DC trying to remember which turns you still have to make, and savor the little things in life. It also comes with its own traditions, which I think we can all take part in in little ways tomorrow:
The Airing of Grievances: Sick of winter and this cold spell only to check the weather and realize next week it's going to be warmer but rain? Pull your hamstring in the last 200 of your turkey trot and now sitting on the sidelines for the rest of the year (heal up soon Big Guy!)? Keep getting one-stepped by that guy on group runs who swears he's "taking it easy and going as slow as he can"? Well this is the time to list all the problems you have with running, get the complaints out, and focus back in before the next training cycle.
Feats of Strength: Maybe don't wrestle anyone in the middle of K street, but there are plenty of ways to show feats of strength tomorrow. Challenge someone in your group to a race for a block, push a little harder up that dang hill on 16th street (then air your grievances about it afterwards), and remember Festivus isn't over until the head of SLR has been taken down in a strava segment.
Festivus Miracles: Honestly, the fact any of us are making it out of bed when it's below freezing to go run over a half marathon is a miracle in itself. Take some time tomorrow to appreciate the little things, like not having to run up the stairs in Meridian Hill Park and whenever you actually make it through a stoplight without having to wait for a minute. There are little miracles happening around us all the time, step back and embrace it.
Festivus Dinner: Though usually the start of the Festivus celebration, maybe this time save it for the end. Finish your run with your favorite bagel (er, maybe don't get H&H Bagels if you support Kramer's strike) or breakfast. Refuel, rehydrate, and bake some bread for the Bread Run on Sunday!

Want Something Shorter? Other than this e-mail ;). Festivus Poles don't have any standar proportions, which in our case means they can be as short as you'd like. Cut off a few miles from the top and skip the 16th street hill while you're at it. To ignore the strava art, and get some more miles with the group, Piney Branch is a great 12 mile option!

Need a Longer Route? Add your mileage south of K Street to maintain a solid foundation for your festivus pole. Consider a Mall Loop or crossing Memorial Bridge instead of Key for your return trip.

Thirsty? There aren't any water fountains along this route, so come prepared tomorrow or add something else to your list of grievances.

Need a Bathroom? Other than the occasional CVS and Starbucks, those are also limited on this route.

The next club race (and what I have many times referred to as the best club race of the year) is the Bread Run on Sunday! Come prepared with your favorite home baked loaf of bread for a fun 10K. The book club is also meeting on Sunday discussing Bravey, and I head the person who's leading it is making cranberry lemon meringue pie for the occasion. The best part about Bravey is how many times Alexi Pappas talks about her movie Tracktown during it, so even if you don't have time to read the book this weekend you can get pretty far from the movie alone ;).

Head's up! Next week we're running the Christmas Tree Run! It is also the laying of the wreaths at Arlington Cemetery so parking will be limited in the Rosslyn area. We will (as tradition), be doing an easy group run for the first 6 miles (targeting 9:30-10 minute pace with lots of stopping for lights and trees). Don't be a scrooge, plan your workouts for later in the run!

Happy Running and Happy Early Festivus!



Upcoming Events

DCRRC Valentine’s Day 10K Run and 20K Relay
Sun, Feb 16th, 2025, @8:00am
RRCA Club Challenge 10M
Sun, Feb 23rd, 2025, @8:00am
DCRRC Belle Haven 8K
Sun, Mar 2nd, 2025, @8:00am
2025 Annual Meeting & Club Banquet
Sun, Mar 2nd, 2025, @5:00pm
Book Club
Sun, Mar 16th, 2025, @4:00pm
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The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.