SLR: 12 Miles Pentagon Army Navy

Hello Saturday Long Runners!

Snow? Nothing? Wintery Mix? Who knows what's going to happen on Sunday so it's a good week to knock your long run out on Saturday (but isn't every week)! Doesn't look like we'll get much of anything in the realm of preciptiation this afternoon, but on the off chance we do please be safe in coming to SLR tomorrow morning! Now let's get into it:

The Route: This week we'll be doing the classic Pentagon Army Navy route (strava, gps, pdf), which will take us around National Landing (which is really just Pentagon City/Crystal City) via Army Navy Drive before coming back along the Four Mile Run and Mount Vernon Trails. Don't forget to cross at South Meade Street when crossing Glebe Road, that's a bit of a tricky intersection and safety is always the priority!

Want Something Shorter? For a little over 11 come back through the Cemetery instead of going all the way up to Rosslyn (this also saves you from my least favorite hill by Roosevelt Island). If you want an even shorter run, come up South Eads Street off of the Four Mile Run and take the 27 Trail back for around 10.5 miles! There are also metro stations in Pentagon City and Crystal City that can get you back easily, consider the turn into Crystal City off of the Mount Vernon Trail as your point of no return (as in you're committed to running at least 4 more miles back to the park).

Need a Longer Route? An out and back on the Mount Vernon or Four Mile Run trails can get you some more mileage without too much mental energy. Otherwise heading into the city over any of the bridges can add about 1-2 miles (depending on which bridges) and save you from what will likely be a headwind on the Mount Vernon Trail.

Thirsty? There's a water fountain along the Mount Vernon Trail just past the metro bridge right before mile 7 and one up near Roosevelt Island at mile 11, but I doubt either will be turned on tomorrow morning. Bring water and remember that Saratoga Springs, New York (which is much much colder than Northern Virginia) has working water fountains all year in their parks.

Need a Bathroom? There are portopotties at Gravelly Point at Mile 8 if you really need them in addition to the ones at Roosevelt Island at Mile 11. Both of these are of questionable cleanliness, but better than the alternative.

The next club race is Sunday for the Al Lewis 10 Miler (and 5 Miler for no Snowball Series credit) at Hains Point! Our famous Hains Point socks will be up for grabs once again this year. Come out and race or volunteer if you're available!!

Happy Running!



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The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.