SLR: New Route! 18 Miles Four Lincolns and A Funeral

Hello Saturday Long Runners!

Three score and four years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this district a new running club, concieved in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all runners were created equal. Happy President's Day! Have you ever wondered how to make a long run out of my favorite president (er.. potentially also your favorite president, but definitely mine), well Mark did all the hard work for you and now this is your chance to run it! Come celebrate President's Day with a long run dedicated to our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. Get out your top hats and grow out those beards because some kid wrote you a letter telling you to. Now let's get into it:

The Route: If you didn't get the reference in the opener, we're running the new (and likely yearly) President's Day Route Mark has dubbed Four Lincolns and a Funeral (strava, gps, pdf). We'll head around the city and see four different Abraham Lincoln statues and streets along with the Adams Memorial in Rock Creek Cemetery. This route has a lot of turns and takes us to new places in the city, please review the cue sheet and maps before tomorrow morning or risk missing a Lincoln. We'll head across the Mall by the Lincoln Memorial then up fourth street to the Lincoln statue in front of the DC Courthouse. From here, we will cross around the Capitol to head to Lincoln Park for the most controversial Lincoln statue in the city. We'll head up the city via the MBT to Catholic University and head north into Rock Creek Cemetery where we will see the Adams Memorial (the Funeral portion of FLAAF). After this we will make a short trip down Lincoln Drive to Lincoln's Cottage where he often went to escape the city (NOTE: I have been turned away at the gate to the old Soldier's Home here in the past, please be mindful they may not allow runners depending on who is in charge that day, but you can still see the cottage from the street. Mark has run there more recently than I have and has been welcomed in with open arms, so the policies may have changed), head back across the city via Upshur, and down Rock Creek Park back to North Meade Street.

Want Something Shorter? To get to all Four Lincolns and a Funeral is around 12 miles, however note that Metro is closed tomorrow and this weekend between Foggy Bottom and Clarendon. Buses will replace trains, so the option still exists, but be prepared for a longer wait in the morning if you go that route. Otherwise an out and back to Lincoln Park will allow you to hit 3/4 Lincolns and see a few of them twice!

Need a Longer Route? An out and back on Rock Creek Park will get you more mileage and avoid running on city roads for the majority of the run. Otherwise for even more Lincoln check out Ford's Theater and the Surratt House, where Booth stayed and planned much of the Lincoln Assassination. The latter is now a combination karaoke and sushi restaurant, but the building remains the same!

Thirsty? Bring water tomorrow if you're running the entire route! I have yet to find a water fountain on the Mall that is functioning and we will not be passing Peirce Mill in RCP (unless you'd like to add on some mileage). The water fountains on the MBT have a chance of being turned on, but I would not bank on them.

Need a Bathroom? There are a few along the MBT and even more portopotties in a pinch. Otherwise there are bathrooms at both Union Station and the Washington Monument that should be open as well as the temporary bathrooms at the Lincoln Memorial.

The Annual Meeting and Club Banquet will be held on March 2nd at 5 PM at Maggiano's Little Italy in Friendship Heights! Alex Hetherington, MCM race director and 27-time MCM finisher will be the guest speaker. Come out and hear about how the club is doing, get a chance to see everyone not in their sweaty SLR clothes, and learn how you can be more involved over the next year!

Happy Running!



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Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
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The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.