Members & Guests:
Spring sports season forces us to scramble a bit with our schedule. As you will see, we will move to Tuesday nights some weeks, and use off-track workouts on other weeks. This is prime training time, so please join us as you can despite the inconvenience. I will keep tabs on the W-L sports schedule in case of any canceled games or other adjustments. Thanks, Coach Ed.
TUESDAYMarch 4: Mile repeats. 400M recovery between each. Aim for 4 repeats, at least 3. Repeats run at 8K-10K pace. Keep recovery jogs consistent and not overly slow. After repeats, take 3-5 minutes recovery, then 2 x 400M at 5K pace, 200M jog recovery.
WEDNESDAY March 12: "Around the Block" 1000M repeats. WNT veterans will know this one. Five repeats, starting at 10K pace and working down to 5K pace for the final 1 or 2. We meet at entrance to the W-L stadium on Stafford St.
TUESDAYMarch 18: 12-16 (or more for some) x 400M, 100M jog recovery. Keep these at 10K pace, maybe 8K. Key to this workout is volume and short recovery, so keep the 400M repeats under control.
WEDNESDAYMarch 26: Meet at W-L stadium entrance. Depart as a group at 7:05 - 7:10 for Custis Trail, Mile marker 1.5. We will do a version of Mile Repeats, likely going East on trail to MM 2.0 and returning to start. Volume and Pace TBD.
WEDNESDAYApril 2: Same meeting as March 26, workout using Custis Trail. Run from MM 1.5 EAST to MM 3.5 at Half-Marathon pace. Standing recovery 3-4 minutes (water will be provided at park just past MM 3.5) and return.
WEDNESDAYApril 9: TBD. We can discuss whether to move workout to National Mall, as we have done in the past. Otherwise, "Around the Block" 1000Ms.
WEDNESDAY April 16: Back on the Track! 800M repeats at 5K pace, 400M recovery. 6-8 repeats, more for some.
WEDNESDAYApril 23: Track! Ladder Workout: 1200M (10K) - 400M (5K) - 800M (5K) - 1600M (10K). 400M recovery after each segment. Aim for two sets, but one is sufficient for more novice runners.
TUESDAYApril 29: 1000M repeats, 5K pace. 4-6 repeats.