We’ve all been there; the nurse at the doctor’s office freaks out when your pulse puts you well below the “normal” 60 beats per minute. Then you tell them you’re a runner and they calm down.
The runner’s heart is different — but why? How does running change the heart? Is that change all for the good? What counts as “normal” for runners’ hearts? How should runners care for their hearts? And about those heart-related fitness and training metrics you hear about (or see on your watch), like resting heart rate, VO2 max, heart-rate variability and heart rate zones: what do they mean and should you pay them any attention?
Join us for a Q&A session with Dr. Ankit Shah, a nationally recognized sports cardiologist who has completed a dedicated fellowship in sports cardiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard University. This will be Tuesday, November 12th from 6 to 7 p.m. (meeting opens at 5:45)
The link to the Zoom meeting is