2011 Predictions & Resolutions 5K

Runners from as far north and west as Anchorage, Alaska and as far south and east as Sunrise, Florida joined us for our annual out-with-the-old, in-with-the-new fete on the Mount Vernon Trail in Arlington Virginia.

Rank First Last G Age City State Net Time Gun Time G-Rank A-Rank
---- ----- ---- - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
1 Turco Edi M 31 Arlington VA 0:59:45 0:59:46 1 1
2 Zapple Chris M 19 0 0 0:18:30 0:18:29 2 1
3 Brake Matthew M 30 Albuquerque NM 0:18:55 0:18:56 3 2
4 Keith Freeburn M 37 Centreville VA 0:19:18 0:19:19 4 3
5 Hartle Troy M 26 Triangle VA 0:19:33 0:19:35 5 1
6 Gibson Neil M 34 Arlington VA 0:19:36 0:19:38 6 4
7 Ames Kenny M 33 Washington DC 0:19:44 0:19:45 7 5
8 David Hicks M 29 Alexandria VA 0:19:46 0:19:47 8 2
9 Delacour Frederic M 23 Silver Spring MD -- 0:19:48 9 3
10 Danza Brian M 30 Arlington VA 0:20:29 0:20:29 10 6
11 Kalarchian Justin M 23 Sunrise FL 0:20:30 0:20:30 11 4
12 Tim Arnade M 54 Arlington VA 0:20:35 0:20:35 12 1
13 Salisbury Conner M 14 Lorton VA 0:20:37 0:20:37 13 1
14 Cahill Dave M 39 Arlington VA 0:20:42 0:20:43 14 7
15 Evans David M 35 Springfield VA 0:20:33 0:20:47 15 8
16 Grondin Annie F 38 Arlington VA 0:20:52 0:20:53 1 1
17 Cannon Mike M 52 0 0 0:20:57 0:20:57 16 2
18 Paul Ryan M 60 0 VA 0:21:05 0:21:06 17 1
19 Cuya Miguel M 34 Clifton VA 0:21:13 0:21:13 18 9
20 Salisbury Mike M 12 Lorton VA 0:21:20 0:21:21 19 2
21 Bullis Lauren M 41 Arlignton VA 0:21:21 0:21:34 20 1
22 Shannon Smith F 45 Washington DC 0:21:35 0:21:39 2 1
23 Campbell Vilasa M 30 Washington DC 0:21:23 0:21:41 21 10
24 Dowler Connie F 35 Arlington VA 0:21:47 0:21:48 3 2
25 Johnson Dale M 42 0 0 0:21:45 0:21:48 22 2
26 Christy Sporidis F 42 Potomac MD 0:22:06 0:22:07 4 2
27 Mcnary Bill M 38 Bethesda MD 0:22:08 0:22:09 23 11
28 Bhanot Raj M 42 Vienna VA 0:22:16 0:22:16 24 3
29 Abbott Ann F 32 Annandale VA 0:22:18 0:22:19 5 3
30 Pennington Ii Richard M 37 Washington DC 0:22:15 0:22:20 25 12
31 Blank Betty F 57 Falls Church VA 0:22:20 0:22:21 6 1
32 Abdali Suhaib M 35 Arlington VA 0:22:21 0:22:24 26 13
33 Chan Grace F 41 Arlington VA 0:22:23 0:22:26 7 3
34 Walters Kathleen F 37 Washington DC 0:22:27 0:22:29 8 4
35 Holland Erica F 36 Alexandria VA 0:22:27 0:22:34 9 5
36 Norris Jen F 40 Mclean VA 0:22:38 0:22:45 10 4
37 Engle James M 50 Arlington VA 0:22:44 0:22:48 27 3
38 Wind Jay Jacob M 61 Arlington VA 0:22:51 0:22:51 28 2
39 Greenspan Susan F 0 Washington DC 0:22:55 0:22:58 11 1
40 Buffum David M 40 Washington DC 0:22:54 0:22:59 29 4
41 Salisbury Keith M 41 Lorton VA 0:23:04 0:23:25 30 5
42 Britain John M 36 Alexandria VA 0:23:25 0:23:25 31 14
43 Bostick Thomas M 54 0 0 0:23:22 0:23:28 32 4
44 Mcgrail John M 55 0 0 0:23:35 0:23:41 33 5
45 Meek Alison F 24 Washington DC 0:24:01 0:24:02 12 1
46 Kusakabe Alan M 37 Baltimore MD 0:24:07 0:24:11 34 15
47 Zapple Peter M 52 0 0 0:24:21 0:24:26 35 6
48 Aaronson Susan F 56 Arlington VA 0:24:28 0:24:34 13 2
49 Klem Allison F 16 Arlington VA 0:24:33 0:24:35 14 1
50 Jonathan Ewing M 20 Washington DC 0:24:42 0:24:45 36 5
51 Evans Daniel M 30 New York NY 0:24:43 0:24:56 37 16
52 Van Der Kolk Geert M 56 Washington DC 0:24:53 0:24:58 38 7
53 Habeeb Christine F 27 Washington DC 0:24:52 0:24:59 15 2
54 Kalarchian Tyler M 18 Sunrise FL 0:24:54 0:24:59 39 2
55 Nussio Simonetta F 36 Arlington VA 0:25:04 0:25:07 16 6
56 Skelly Thomas M 58 Arlington VA 0:24:59 0:25:08 40 8
57 Aalai Sean M 35 Washington DC 0:25:02 0:25:10 41 17
58 Bigman Michael M 52 Springfield VA 0:25:06 0:25:15 42 9
59 Nicole Bolduc F 28 Washington DC 0:24:59 0:25:16 17 3
60 Jennifer Mcgrail F 55 Arlington VA 0:25:11 0:25:19 18 3
61 Haddad Diana F 49 Bethesda MD 0:25:17 0:25:26 19 5
62 Halleckson Samara F 0 Arlington VA 0:25:26 0:25:31 20 2
63 Harding Christina F 34 Washington DC 0:25:29 0:25:32 21 7
64 Vogele Louis M 50 0 0 0:25:25 0:25:34 43 10
65 Sagehorn Steve M 50 Alexandria VA 0:25:32 0:25:39 44 11
66 Lay Cindy F 10 Fall Church VA 0:25:39 0:25:41 22 1
67 Posner Howell M 51 Mclean VA 0:25:34 0:25:42 45 12
68 Lay Jinny F 43 Falls Church VA 0:25:39 0:25:42 23 6
69 Bagchi Ayan M 30 North Bethesda MD 0:25:40 0:25:42 46 18
70 John Frazer M 44 Arlington VA 0:25:39 0:25:44 47 6
71 Machson Katie F 34 Arlington VA 0:25:49 0:26:01 24 8
72 Rushing Elisabeth F 59 Washington DC 0:25:44 0:26:03 25 4
73 Conway Dick M 63 Springfield VA 0:25:52 0:26:05 48 3
74 Wolfe Judy F 39 Washington DC 0:26:04 0:26:10 26 9
75 Sprouls Jason M 13 Mclean VA 0:26:16 0:26:20 49 3
76 Sprouls Vincent M 43 Mclean VA 0:26:20 0:26:25 50 7
77 Norris Mark M 44 Mclean VA 0:26:25 0:26:38 51 8
78 Davis Cameron M 22 Vienna VA 0:26:36 0:26:41 52 6
79 Till Veronica F 21 0 0 0:26:34 0:26:44 27 4
80 Sismanidis Roxane F 55 Washington DC 0:26:41 0:26:51 28 5
81 Mara Yanez F 0 Washington, Dc DC 0:27:05 0:27:05 29 3
82 Meyer W. Hugh M 12 Washington DC 0:26:59 0:27:08 53 4
83 Potter Abigail F 26 Arlington VA 0:27:15 0:27:23 30 5
84 George Janel F 33 Arlington VA 0:27:17 0:27:27 31 10
85 Kent Andrew M 46 Arlington VA 0:27:23 0:27:37 54 9
86 Burks Ramon M 33 Bryans Road MD 0:27:30 0:27:48 55 19
87 Asaka Cori F 49 Alexandria VA 0:27:43 0:27:49 32 7
88 Chiu Tanya F 0 Washington DC 0:27:35 0:27:50 33 4
89 Lichten Lauren F 0 Boston MA 0:27:37 0:27:52 34 5
90 Park Jack M 56 Arlington VA 0:27:36 0:27:52 56 13
91 Sadoff Elizabeth F 61 0 0 0:27:51 0:27:59 35 1
92 Sollers William M 71 Silver Spring MD 0:27:51 0:28:00 57 1
93 Monde Regine F 33 Washington DC 0:27:46 0:28:03 36 11
94 Harvey Cameron M 18 Alexandria VA 0:27:44 0:28:08 58 3
95 Lay Linda F 14 Falls Church VA 0:28:11 0:28:13 37 1
96 Jason Veny M 28 Hempstead NY 0:28:06 0:28:30 59 7
97 Dunham Will M 48 0 0 0:28:33 0:28:33 60 10
98 Yoon-Yildiz Suzy F 40 Washington DC 0:28:33 0:28:35 38 8
99 Ana Parente F 34 Washington DC 0:28:27 0:28:44 39 12
100 Salisbury Gabby F 50 Lorton VA 0:28:34 0:28:54 40 6
101 Krcal Johnathan M 23 Columbia Station OH 0:28:50 0:28:55 61 8
102 Ogawa Kazuko F 57 Chevy Chase MD 0:29:04 0:29:07 41 7
103 Harvey Jim M 46 Alexandria VA 0:28:50 0:29:15 62 11
104 Gallagher Samantha F 32 Alexandria VA 0:29:11 0:29:18 42 13
105 Coates S F 29 Washington DC 0:29:16 0:29:24 43 6
106 Shamburek Steven M 54 Anchorage AK 0:29:06 0:29:29 63 14
107 Zell Richard M 42 0 0 0:29:32 0:29:44 64 12
108 Zell Annmarie F 0 0 0 0:29:33 0:29:44 44 6
109 Horstmann Laurie F 0 Centreville VA 0:29:46 0:29:58 45 7
110 Homan Glen M 65 Arlington VA 0:30:15 0:30:25 65 4
111 Fiona Lydon F -1 Arlington VA 0:30:26 0:30:34 46 8
112 King Kathleen F 45 Alexandria VA 0:30:35 0:30:44 47 9
113 Peters Albena F 35 Washington DC 0:30:47 0:30:47 48 14
114 Ingram James M 35 Washington DC 0:30:35 0:30:47 66 20
115 Gustafson Dave M 65 Washington DC 0:30:29 0:30:51 67 5
116 Choutka Amanda F 27 Washington DC 0:30:40 0:30:58 49 7
117 Graf Tami F 74 Lusby MD 0:32:07 0:32:10 50 1
118 Flowers Kimberly F 38 Arlington VA 0:32:06 0:32:23 51 15
119 Brian Murrow M 41 Washington DC 0:32:34 0:32:45 68 13
120 Gill Sitafa F 30 0 0 0:32:45 0:32:51 52 16
121 Cheskis Sharone F 34 Wheaton MD 0:32:57 0:33:04 53 17
122 Forster Meredith F 33 Alexandria VA 0:32:51 0:33:12 54 18
123 Flynn Bernadette F 53 Springfield VA 0:33:07 0:33:22 55 8
124 Kelly Fitzpatrick F 51 Washington DC 0:33:10 0:33:29 56 9
125 Brown Rhonda F 37 Alexandria VA 0:33:17 0:33:34 57 19
126 Mcqueen Randy M 60 Alexandria VA 0:33:07 0:33:34 69 6
127 Armbruster Ellen F 53 Arlington VA 0:33:29 0:33:41 58 10
128 Garcia Andres M 32 0 0 0:33:15 0:33:41 70 21
129 Mcqueen Leeanna F 57 0 0 0:33:32 0:33:58 59 11
130 Squires-Smith Antoinette F 37 0 0 0:33:51 0:34:04 60 20
131 Byrd Pamela F 43 Silver Spring MD 0:33:54 0:34:07 61 10
132 Michaels Brett M 46 Chevy Chase MD 0:33:52 0:34:14 71 14
133 Bates Stephanie F 37 Frederick MD 0:34:10 0:34:26 62 21
134 Hainline Laura F 24 Mystic CT 0:34:37 0:34:47 63 8
135 Irace Michael M 25 0 0 0:34:38 0:34:49 72 9
136 Oliveros Benedicta F 53 Alexandria VA 0:35:00 0:35:00 64 12
137 Carroll Vincent M 67 Richlands VA 0:36:04 0:36:27 73 7
138 Shanahan Maureen F 49 Harrisonburg VA 0:36:13 0:36:31 65 11
139 Bird Jim M 63 Oakton VA 0:36:50 0:37:16 74 8
140 Merritt Betsy F 55 Oakton VA 0:36:50 0:37:16 66 13
141 Stephanie Fosburg F 47 Washington DC 0:37:16 0:37:35 67 12
142 Meyer Rory F 10 Washington DC 0:37:28 0:37:38 68 2
143 Fitzgerald Stacey F 41 Washington DC 0:38:33 0:38:44 69 13
144 Rhodes Deanna F 28 Washington DC 0:38:50 0:39:11 70 9
145 Friend Paul M 53 0 0 0:39:25 0:39:38 75 15
146 Meyer Kristen F 42 Washington DC 0:39:35 0:39:45 71 14
147 Evans Sarah F 42 Wichita KS 0:40:48 0:41:01 72 15
148 Ramsey Tim M 52 Alexandria VA 0:42:10 0:42:40 76 16
149 Lynn Westine F 53 Mclean VA 0:44:10 0:44:33 73 14
150 Hardrick Sanema Naomi F 45 Washington DC 0:44:59 0:45:20 74 16
151 Barnett Monay F 24 Manassas VA 0:49:26 0:49:32 75 10
152 Kindred Tatia F 30 0 0 0:52:22 0:52:32 76 22
153 Flowers Willie M 39 Washington DC 0:54:08 0:54:24 77 22
154 Flowers Harison M 4 Washington DC 0:54:19 0:54:35 78 1
155 Flowers Hudson M 4 Washington DC 0:54:27 0:54:44 79 2
156 Pahl Thomas M 47 Bethesda MD 0:54:38 0:56:32 80 15
157 Pahl Tommy Jr. M 11 Bethesda MD 0:54:31 0:56:34 81 5
158 Meyer M. Blaise F 15 Washington DC 0:59:51 1:00:25 77 2
159 Meyer M. Sloane F 13 Washington DC 0:59:52 1:00:26 78 2


Race director Ben Richter extends thanks to all volunteers:

Aaron Cheskis
Brian Danza
Elizabeth Eby
Shanna Follansbee
Barbara Haney
John Haubert
Amy Nguyen
James Scarborough

For corrections please email Brian@dcroadrunners.org.


Upcoming Events

Global Strides 5K Run & Walk
Sun, Apr 13th, 2025, @8:00am
Lancer 5K
Sat, Apr 26th, 2025, @8:00am
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
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The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.